Saturday, January 21, 2017

Elimina la flacidez de los brazos realizando esto 10 minutos diarios, los resultados te van a sorprender!

Sin duda, la flacidez en los brazos es algo que afecta bastante nuestra apariencia física, debido a que son zonas visibles del cuerpo, por lo que nos aterra el usar ropa sin mangas y hasta sacudir el brazo para decir adiós. 

Es por eso, que en este artículo te mostraremos una maravillosa rutina de ejercicios fáciles y rápidos de hacer, los cuales te ayudarán a eliminar la flacidez en los brazos de forma eficaz y definitiva.

Esta es la rutina de ejercicios que debes hacer 10 minutos al día:

1. Colócate de pie frente a la pared, estira los brazos apoyando las manos en la pared a la misma altura que los hombros y realiza flexiones elevando los talones y acercando el cuerpo a la pared lentamente hasta tocarla con la punta de la nariz y vuelve a la posición inicial lentamente. Haz este ejercicio 15 veces. 

2. Realiza el ejercicio anterior, pero esta vez con tus manos juntas, de forma que te permita pegar los codos al cuerpo. Haz este ejercicio 10 veces. 

3. Con las pierna separadas y las rodillas levemente flexionadas, utiliza unas pesas de poco peso en cada mano y estira los brazos hacia el frente como si dieras golpes. Haz este ejercicio 15 veces. 

4. Con los brazos doblados y las pesas, coloca las manos paralelas a los hombros, luego eleva las pesas poco a poco por encima de la cabeza. Haz este ejercicio 10 veces. 

5. Realiza la posición inicial del ejercicio 1, sólo que ahora los movimientos serán inclinando el cuerpo de izquierda a derecha. Haz este ejercicio 10 veces.

6. Realiza el ejercicio 1, pero esta vez con los brazos cruzados. Haz este ejercicio 15 veces.

Nota: Si te cansas rápidamente, toma un breve descanso y agita un poco los brazos para liberar la tensión. Además, es necesario que para tener resultados satisfactorios seas constante con los ejercicios.

Ahora que conoces estos efectivos ejercicios que te ayudarán a eliminar la flacidez de los brazos con sólo 10 minutos diarios de forma fácil y rápida, anímate a probarlos y recomiéndalos.

Si tu cabello se está cayendo debes probar esta solución casera, nunca más volverá a caerse!

Sin duda, la caída del cabello afecta a bastantes personas de distintas edades. Este problema puede deberse a distintas causas, como el estrés, la falta de vitaminas, un trauma en los folículos del cabello, el uso de productos de mala calidad, entre otras.

A continuación, te mostraremos un maravilloso remedio casero hecho con productos naturales que te ayudará evitar la caída del cabello de forma eficaz, fácil y económica.

Cómo hacer el remedio casero:

3 cucharadas de floraciones de manzanilla. 
3 cucharadas de hojas de laurel (triturado). 
100 ml de agua purificada. 

Pon a hervir el agua. Cuando esté hirviendo, añade la manzanilla y el laurel, y deja hervir durante 15 minutos más. Deja reposar durante 3 horas. Por último, cuela la infusión.

Forma de uso:
Aplica el remedio casero en todo el cuello cabelludo dando masajes circulares. No lo enjuagues, debes dejarlo en tu cuero cabelludo el mayor tiempo posible. Haz este procedimiento 3 veces por semana durante 6 semanas.

Ahora que conoces este maravilloso remedio casero que te ayudará a evitar que tu cabello se siga cayendo de forma natural y sencilla, anímate a probarlo y recomiéndalo.

¿Te duele el talón por la mañana o cuando te pones de pie? Esto es lo que necesitas hacer!

Los dolores en los pies generalmente se deben a la fascia plantar, que es un ligamento fino que une al talón con la parte delantera de los pies. Por lo tanto, cuando esta condición se produce causa dolores severos. 

Además, lo que puede ocasionar que esta condición se presente, es el aumento excesivo de peso y el movimiento constante utilizando el calzado inadecuado o haciendo ejercicios intensos. También, es muy común en las embarazadas y los atletas.

Estos son algunos ejercicios para aliviar la fascia plantar:

1. Con una pelota de tenis o una bolsa de plástico pequeña con agua, debes debes frotarla con la planta del pie apoyándote en el piso. Mantén esta posición durante 60 segundos en cada pie y hazlo de 25 a 30 veces.

2. Coloca una toalla doblada bajo el arco del pie. Luego, sujetado la toalla, estira la pierna hacia arriba  baja lentamente. Mantén esta posición durante 40 segundos y hazlo de 20 a 25 veces.

3. Coloca una pierna sobre la otra de forma cruzada y tira del dedo gordo del pie hacia arriba. Mantén esta posición durante 20 segundos y hazlo de 15 a 20 veces.

Nota: Debes hacer sólo uno de estos ejercicios al día, puedes ir cambiando de ejercicio cada 3 días. Haz estos ejercicios durante 6 semanas.

Ahora que conoces estos 3 efectivos ejercicios que te ayudarán a aliviar los dolores en el talón de forma fácil, anímate a probarlos y recomiéndalos.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Check If Something Is Wrong With Your Inner Organs In Less Than 1 Minute Just By Doing This-BIG HELP!

How about we told you that you could specify the health of your organs only with a spoon?

Surprised? Let us explain how this is possible. This experiment requires a plastic bag, a spoon, you would also need to use your mouth and spare a minute of your time.

This is the perfect way for you to check the health of your organs, and another advantage is that it is completely free.

Using this method, you can check your metabolism, hormones, respiratory system, intestines and kidneys.

How to perform the experiment?

Take a spoon and scrape your tongue. Begin from the end of the tongue (around the throat) and take a bit of saliva. Next, wrap the spoon with a plastic bag. After a minute, check the spoon and see if it is healthy or not. If the spoon is clean, your organs are healthy. Just for any case, smell the spoon. If it has other smell than saliva, go on reading.

Place the spoon under the light:
  • If the spoon has orange color on it, it is a sign of kidney problems, including chronic renal disease
  • If the spoon has some purple color on it, it means you have high cholesterol, poor circulation, or bronchitis
  • White color on the spoon means you have some respiratory infection
  • Thick white or yellow color on the spoon indicates imbalance in the mouth or thyroid problem
If the spoon has bad smell, it can be a sign of hygienic problem. If this is the case, you should clean your teeth on a regular basis and gargle twice a day. However, this can be an indication of a bigger problem.


The cases of heart attack have become quite common nowadays, and the worst part is that they can’t be predicted. Although it’s good to think and hope you will never experience one, you should still know few things that can potentially save yours or someone else’s life in case of an imminent heart attack.

In this post, you will learn exactly that – how to save your life if you ever face a heart attack.
Read the following advices and see the video below to increase your chances of surviving this unfortunate situation before the ambulance arrives.
What most people do when they suspects myocardial infarction is – panic! Then, in just a few seconds they fall unconscious. Although you have just couple of seconds to react, the right reaction can potentially save your life!
Remember to call an ambulance first! After you’ve called professional help you need to start coughing forcefully!
First, don’t forget to call the ambulance! Then, start coughing forcefully. Cough strong and deep like you have congestion in your chest, extending the exhale.  This breathing technique can save your life, so make sure you understand and remember it.
Here’s how the technique works – you’re actually sending oxygen into your lungs by taking deep breaths, and by coughing, you put pressure on the heart which keeps the blood circulation flowing. Pressing the heart in this way will normalize the sinus rhythm, giving you a chance to save yours or someone else’s life.
Remember this if you ever find yourself in such situation, and try to keep yourself or someone else alive until the ambulance arrives.
Check out the video below to see how to do this breathing technique properly.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Cholesterol Myths You Need to Stop Believing

By Dr. Mercola

In a survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the vast majority of Americans (76 percent) said they had had their cholesterol level checked at least once in the previous five years.1
Despite the commonality of the cholesterol test, many are seriously misled about what the results of the test mean. Many people aren't even receiving a useful cholesterol test at all.
A total cholesterol test, for instance, tells you practically nothing about your health. What you really need to know is how much high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) you have and, beyond that, the size of the LDL particles.
If you're confused, it's not your fault. Cholesterol has been a highly publicized scapegoat for causing heart disease for decades, and many have diligently cut all cholesterol-rich foods (which are often also nutrient-rich foods) from their diets as a result.
Others have opted to take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs at the behest of their physicians. More than 1 in 4 Americans over 45 take them, despite their lengthy list of side effects and dubious effectiveness. But the real question is this: do you really need to be worried about cholesterol?
Is it the villain that's it's portrayed to be, silently clogging up your arteries and putting you at a dangerously high risk of heart attack, one cholesterol-laden egg yolk at a time? The answer is, for most people, no. So let's put some of the most widely circulated cholesterol myths to bed once and for all.

Top Cholesterol Myths: Busted!

Myth: Cholesterol Is Bad
Cholesterol is not inherently bad. If it were, your liver wouldn't produce it (unbeknownst to many, your liver makes about three-quarters or more of your body's cholesterol—that's how important it is).
Many of the healthiest foods happen to be rich in cholesterol (and saturated fats), yet cholesterol has been demonized since the early 1950s following the popularization of Ancel Keys' flawed research.
In reality, cholesterol has many health benefits. It plays a key role in regulating protein pathways involved in cell signaling and may also regulate other cellular processes,2 for instance.
It's already known that cholesterol plays a critical role within your cell membranes, but research suggests cholesterol also interacts with proteinsinside your cells, adding even more importance. Your body is composed of trillions of cells that need to interact with each other.
Cholesterol is one of the molecules that allow for these interactions to take place. For example, cholesterol is the precursor to bile acids, so without sufficient amounts of cholesterol, your digestive system can be adversely affected.
It also plays an essential role in your brain, which contains about 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for synapse formation, i.e. the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and form memories.
Myth: High Cholesterol Is Caused by What You Eat
This is simply untrue. The biggest factor in cholesterol is not diet but genetics or heredity. Your liver is designed to remove excess cholesterol from your body, but genetics play a large part in your liver's ability to regulate cholesterol to a healthy level.
Take, for instance, people with genetic familial hypercholesterolemia. This is a condition characterized by abnormally high cholesterol, which tends to be resistant to lowering with lifestyle strategies like diet and exercise.
Further, eating nutritious cholesterol-rich foods is not something you should feel guilty about; they're good for you and will not drive up your cholesterol levels as you may have been told. It's estimated that only 20 percent of your blood cholesterol levels come from your diet.
One survey of South Carolina adults found no correlation of blood cholesterol levels with so-called "bad" dietary habits, such as consumption of red meat, animal fats, butter, eggs, whole milk, bacon, sausage and cheese.3
If you're still worried about the cholesterol in your diet, take a look at the newly released 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines. As recently as 2010, U.S. dietary guidelines described cholesterol-rich foods as "foods and food components to reduce."4
They advised people to eat less than 300 milligrams (mg) per day, despite mounting evidence that dietary cholesterol has very little to do with cholesterol levels in your body.
The latest guidelines have finally removed this misguided suggestion, and they even added egg yolks to the list of suggested sources of protein.
The long-overdue change came at the advice of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), which acknowledged what the science shows, which is that "cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption."5
Myth: Everyone's Cholesterol Level Should Be the Same
What is a healthy cholesterol level? That depends. Despite what your doctor may tell you, there's no rule that says everyone's total cholesterol should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) and your LDL less than 100 mg/dL.
Further, this will tell you very little about your heart disease risk. If your doctor tells you your cholesterol is too high based on the standard lipid profile, getting a more complete picture is important—especially if you have a family history of heart disease or other risk factors.
For starters, you can ask for a NMR LipoProfile, which looks at particle sizes of LDL cholesterol.
Large LDL particles are not harmful. Only small dense LDL particles can potentially be a problem, as they can squeeze through the lining of your arteries. If they oxidize, they can cause damage and inflammation.
Some groups, such as the National Lipid Association (NLA), are now starting to shift the focus toward LDL particle number instead of total and LDL cholesterol, in order to better assess your heart disease risk. But it still has not hit mainstream.
In addition, the following tests can give you a far better assessment of your heart disease risk than your total cholesterol alone:
HDL/Cholesterol ratio: HDL percentage is a very potent heart disease risk factor. Just divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. That percentage should ideally be above 24 percent.
Triglyceride/HDL ratios: You can also do the same thing with your triglycerides and HDL ratio. That percentage should be below 2.
Your fasting insulin level: Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates like fructose and refined grains generates a rapid rise in blood glucose and then insulin to compensate for the rise in blood sugar.
The insulin released from eating too many carbs promotes fat accumulation and makes it more difficult for your body to shed excess weight. Excess fat, particularly around your belly, is one of the major contributors to heart disease
Your fasting blood sugar level: Studies have shown that people with a fasting blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dl had a nearly 300 percent increased higher risk of having coronary heart disease than people with a level below 79 mg/dl.
Your iron level: Iron can be a very potent oxidative stress, so if you have excess iron levels you can damage your blood vessels and increase your risk of heart disease. Ideally, you should monitor your ferritin levels and make sure they are not much above 80 ng/ml.
The simplest way to lower them if they are elevated is to donate your blood. If that is not possible you can have a therapeutic phlebotomy and that will effectively eliminate the excess iron from your body.
Myth: Children Cannot Have High Cholesterol
It's possible for children to have high cholesterol levels, which is typically due to a liver problem that makes the liver unable to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Lifestyle changes, including exercise, limiting sugar intake and eating real (not processed) foods, will often help to restore healthy levels.
Myth: Margarine Is Better Than Butter for Cholesterol
Butter, especially raw organic butter from grass-fed cows, is a wealth of nutrition and nourishing fats. Research points to the fact that butter may have both short-term and long-term benefits for your health. A Swedish study found that fat levels in your blood are lower after eating a meal rich in butter than after eating one rich in olive oil, canola oil, or flaxseed oil.6
Further, replacing saturated animal fats with omega-6 polyunsaturated vegetable fats (i.e., margarine) is linked to anincreased risk of death among patients with heart disease, according to a 2013 BMJ study.7 Swapping margarine for healthy butter is the opposite of what your body needs for heart health, and here's why. Saturated fats have been shown to raise HDL cholesterol—a benefit—and may also increase LDL.
The latter isn't necessarily bad either, as research has confirmed that eating saturated fats raises levels of large, fluffy LDL particles—the type that do not contribute to heart disease. Further, eating saturated fat may even change the small, dense LDL in your body into the healthier large, fluffy LDL!8,9
On the other hand, margarine has historically contained synthetic trans fat, the worst type of man-made fat that increases small, dense LDL—and your risk of chronic disease.

Cholesterol Drug Shows No Benefit for Heart Health

In October 2015, drug maker Eli Lilly stopped a trial for a cholesterol-lowering drug called evacetrapib. Many believed the drug, which could not only lower LDL cholesterol but also raise HDL, would be the next blockbuster cholesterol treatment.
But it wasn't until April 2016, when the results of the study were presented at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting, that health professionals learned just how dismal the study results were. The drug had virtually no impact on heart health. As The New York Times reported:10
"Participants taking the drug saw their LDL levels fall to an average of 55 milligrams per deciliter from 84. Their HDL levels rose to an average of 104 milligram per deciliter from 46. Yet 256 participants had heart attacks, compared with 255 patients in the group who were taking a placebo.
Ninety-two patients taking the drug had a stroke, compared with 95 in the placebo group. And 434 people taking the drug died from cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack or a stroke, compared with 444 participants who were taking a placebo."
Dr. Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic told The New York Times, "These kinds of studies are wake-up calls." Indeed, it's not the first time a cholesterol-lowering drug has been found to be worthless, or worse, when it comes to heart health.

Statins May Make Heart Health Worse

There is evidence showing that statins may make your heart health worse and only appear effective due to statistical deception. One report published in the Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology concluded that statin advocates used a statistical tool called relative risk reduction (RRR) to amplify statins' trivial beneficial effects.11
If you look at absolute risk, statin drugs benefit just 1 percent of the population. This means that out of 100 people treated with the drugs, one person will have one less heart attack. This doesn't sound so impressive, so statin supporters use a different statistic called relative risk. Just by making this statistical slight of hand, statins suddenly become beneficial for 30-50 percent of the population.
As STATS at George Mason University explained, "An important feature of relative risk is that it tells you nothing about the actual risk."12 Further, statins deplete your body of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is used for energy production by every cell in your body, and is therefore vital for good health, high-energy levels, longevity, and general quality of life.
CoQ10's reduced form, ubiquinol, is a critical component of cellular respiration and production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a coenzyme used as an energy carrier in every cell of your body. When you consider that your heart is the most energy-demanding organ in your body, you can surmise how potentially devastating it can be to deplete your body's main source of cellular energy.
So while one of statins' claims to fame is warding off heart disease, you're actually increasing your risk when you deplete your body of CoQ10. The depletion of CoQ10 caused by the drug is why statins can increase your risk of acute heart failure.
If you take a statin drug, you MUST take Coenzyme Q10 as a supplement. If you're over 40, I would strongly recommend taking ubiquinol (CoQ10's reduced form) instead of CoQ10, as it's far more effectively absorbed by your body.

How to Protect Your Heart Health

Are you looking for a non-drug way to boost your heart health? Here are some of my top recommendations:
  • Reduce, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars in your diet. It is vitally important to eliminate gluten-containing grains and sugars, especially fructose.
  • Consume a good portion of your food raw.
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil. Research suggests that as little as 500 mg of krill per day may improve your total cholesterol and triglycerides and will likely increase your HDL cholesterol.
  • Replace harmful vegetable oils and synthetic trans fats with healthy fats, such as olive oil, butter, avocado, pastured eggs and coconut oil (remember olive oil should be used cold only, use coconut oil for cooking and baking).
  • Include fermented foods in your daily diet. This will not only optimize your intestinal microflora, which will boost your overall immunity, it will also introduce beneficial bacteria into your mouth. Poor oral health is another powerful indicator of increased heart disease risk.
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels, ideally through appropriate sun exposure as this will allow your body to also create vitamin D sulfate—another factor that may play a crucial role in preventing the formation of arterial plaque.
  • Exercise regularly. Make sure you incorporate high-intensity interval exercises, which also optimize your human growth hormone (HGH) production.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.
  • Be sure to get plenty of high-quality, restorative sleep.
  • Practice regular stress-management techniques

Healing Herbs for Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence, also called erectile dysfunction (ED), is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse. Although a man’s plumbing is pretty simple, ED is not. Medical science tells us that it can occur from at least 15 possible underlying causes, from diabetes and pituitary tumors, to the side effects of drugs, hormonal imbalances and psychological issues. Injury to the nerves of the penis, from Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, may also cause impotence. In men over 60, the primary cause is atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries. Diabetic men are particularly at risk because of their high rate of atherosclerosis and diabetic neuropathy.
erectile dysfunction cures
Physicians used to think impotence was mainly psychological in origin, but they are now aware that, at least in elderly men, physical causes probably play a primary role in more than 60% (some authorities say 80 to 90%) or of all cases. Ultimately, most impotence is caused by deadly serious vascular disease. One in four men over the age of 50, or some 20 million American men, experience some form of impotence. It strikes up to half of all men between the ages of 40 and 70. Some of these concerns can be treated with a targeted approach. If impotence is the result of a drug side effect, say, the best move is to adjust the drug. If a pituitary tumor is causing ED by over secreting the hormone prolactin, taking care of the tumor may help. In most cases, though, it’s hard to tell what’s causing the problem, and medical treatment is nonspecific. With proper diagnosis and therapy, ED can almost always be treated successfully or improved substantially. Sadly, fewer than 10% of impotent men pursue treatment. Traditional Ayurvedic practitioners have used powerful, effective natural medicines to benefit ED. Several of these remedies are now being confirmed by modern science. Home remedies that Ayurveda promotes for ED include garlic, onion, asparagus spears, okra, ginger and raisin.

Garlic bulb
I would have to rank garlic as the number one aphrodisiac herb. I use it consistently, and it produces consistently. It has all the qualities you would want in a sexual enhancer. It increases circulation and promotes erectile force, as well as increasing desire. Related onion has a similar, milder effect. Garlic is so good at increasing libido that celibate people don’t use it.
Garlic is hot, so it can aggravate pitta and the sex organs. It increases semen. For Americans, deodorized garlic might be a better choice. Use a large dose- 10 grams per day. Expect to see sexy results in about a month, and then- watch out.
Ashwagandha root
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera) looks like another 5,000-year overnight sensation. This ancient herb is showing promise in yet another round of recent scientific investigations. Ashwaganda is little known here, but that is about to change. The scientific literature includes over 90 studies on this herb, with over 35 of them since 2000.
Often called “Indian ginseng”, this adaptogen is used in Ayurveda as a tonic and sedative. Though unrelated to the true ginsengs, it appears to share their many properties and actions. In fact, studies show ashwaganda to be superior to ginseng as an antistress adaptogen.
This long-term building herb, sometimes named “winter cherry”, is a nightshade plant- a relative of tomatoes and potatoes, and is the main tonic for men in Ayurveda, which considers ashwaganda to be a particularly powerful rejuvenative. The name ashwaganda technically means, “smells like a horse,” reflecting that its odor is supposedly reminiscent of horse urine. But the name also connotes its use as a premier sexual tonic.
And the sexual enhancement is not just in folk herbalism. An animal study from 2001 showed that extracts of ashwagandha increased production of sex hormones and sperm, presumably by exerting a testosterone-like effect.36 In another double blind clinical trial, Withania (3 g/day for 1 year) was tested on the process of aging in 101 healthy male adults (50-59 years of age). Significant improvements in hemoglobin, red blood cells, hair pigment and seated stature were observed. Serum cholesterol decreased, nail calcium was preserved and 71.4% of those who received the herb reported improvement in sexual performance.
In addition to its sexual action, Ayurvedic herbalism uses ashwagandha for general debility and exhaustion, emaciation, memory loss, nerve diseases, cough, anemia, and insomnia. Ayurveda considers it a “grounding” herb- one that nourishes and regulates metabolic processes. A rat study done in 2000 indicates these uses are correct. The researchers concluded, “The investigations support the use of Withania somnifera as a mood stabilizer in clinical conditions of anxiety and depression in Ayurveda.” Ashwaganda is, a superb herb for treating chronic anxiety. It takes about a week to work up to the proper dose, and about another week for the herb to reach maximum effectiveness. Since ashwaganda is a slow-acting herb, you may take your daily dose at any time during the day. Used this way, ashwagandha prevents the onset of the anxiety episode. The dose to abort anxiety is about 10 grams per day.
Modern clinicians are most likely to employ ashwagandha for chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and chronic heart and vascular disorders, where it is often combined with the famous arjuna bark (Terminalia arjuna).
Ashwagandha is one of the most promising herbs for building overall health. Ayurveda says it has a special affinity for muscular tissue, especially the heart. Science is only beginning to confirm the encouraging signs for this valuable Ayurvedic herb. A scientific article published in 2000 by Los Angeles researchers review a host of confirmed benefits: anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antistress, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, hemopoietic and rejuvenating properties. The scientists say that it also appears to exert a positive influence on the endocrine, cardiopulmonary, and central nervous systems.
Study after study continues to confirm the stress tolerance, performance and endurance enhancing benefits of this herb. In fact, research shows ashwaganda to be superior to ginseng as an antistress remedy. A 2001 rat study indicated that the herb reduced brain damage caused by stress by 80%. Tests of the pharmacological and metabolic effects of ashwaganda were performed in 2000.
Ashwagandha was shown to increase swimming time in rats in a physical working capacity test (rat swimming endurance test). The herb also increased the size of the heart and the content of blood sugar fuel in the heart and liver. An animal study done in 2000 demonstrated that an Ayurvedic formula containing ashwaganda was as effective as ginseng in a wide range of adaptogenic benefits. The medicine was tested in rats against chronic unpredictable stress behavior, depression, glucose metabolism, suppressed male sexual behavior, suppressed immune function and cognitive dysfunction. Stomach ulcer, adrenal gland atrophy, vitamin C level and levels of stress hormones were also measured. Surprisingly, the herb benefited them all. Ashwaganda, given in milk, significantly increased body weight, total plasma proteins, hemoglobin and hand grip in a double blind trial on  normal children aged 8-12 years old.
Recent research shows that, at least in rats, ashwaganda lives up to its reputation as a cognitive enhancer, suggesting promise for using this herb in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Recent studies show ashwaganda to support and regulate the immune system, and to aid in cases of anxiety and other psychological complaints. New scientific discoveries also show that ashwaganda has substantial anti-tumor effects, as well as enhancing the effect of radiation therapy in cancer, while protecting healthy cells. Ashwagandha has antioxidant activity in the brain, which may explain, at least in part, a host of its effects, including the reported antistress, immune regulating, cognition-facilitating, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits.
Ashwaganda increases memory and maze test performance in animals. As the scientific name indicates, ashwaganda aids sleep. Ayurvedic herbalists use the herb to reestablish long-term sleep rhythms. Rather than making you sleepy when you take the herb, this remedy seems to regulate sleep cycles over time, facilitating more refreshing sleep. Ashwagandha is showing a variety of benefits for cardiovascular functions, including significant increase in coagulation time (blood thinning). Since impotence is caused largely by vascular disease, this may be one of the reasons. A typical dose of ashwaganda is about a gram per day, taken over long periods, up to many years, as a rejuvenator, but, since ashwaganda is very safe, larger quantities are often used in Ayurveda for short term. In India, Withania (Ashwagandha) is given with pungent, heating herbs (ginger, pepper, etc.) to increase its tonic effects. For impotence, it is often given in warm milk. In the long run, in some individuals, it increases sadhaka pitta in the head and heart. To counteract this possibility, combine ashwaganda with cooling herbs or foods, such as licorice, ghee, raw sugar, milk and rice.
Bala rot
Next to ashwaganda, bala (Sida cordifolia) (the name means “strength”) is probably the most widely used tonic in Ayurveda. It is a sweet, cold, heavy herb. Bala contains a mild ephedrine-like compound, so it is a little energizing when administered.55 It is well tolerated. Since it a mallow, it is soothing and mucilaginous, so it is tonic to vata. It is particularly used for nerve disorders, and it is combined with other tonics for specific organs, such as with arjuna for the heart. Externally, it sees wide use as a medicated oil for joint complaints, muscle cramps and nerve pain. Internally, use 1 gram or more as tolerated, per day, as powder, decoction or milk decoction.
Gokshura fruit
This well known Ayurvedic herb (Caltrops, Tribulus terrestris) is getting a reputation here. Often called something equivalent to “horny goat weed”, it is, in fact, an Ayurvedic standout for sexual building, and has a particular affinity for the urogenital tract. The name literally means “cow scratcher”, a reference to its fruit (a prickly seed case). Gokshura is highly esteemed as a vajikarana and rasayana medicine. It is sweet and cold, so it is appropriate for pitta conditions. As a tonic, it balances vata. For spermatorrhea and impotence, use equal parts powdered gokshura, sesame seed, kapi kachu (Mucana pruriens) and ashwaganda. Take 6 grams of this mixture with honey, ghee or milk. Gokshura is an exceptional remedy in urogenital conditions. It promotes urine flow and soothes the membranes. Gokshura pacifies vata and will not promote secondary excess dryness, as other diuretics do. Gokshura is renowned for prostate support. The plant and seeds are used in the treatment of spermatorrhea, impotence, dysuria, gonorrhea, incontinence, gout and infertility. This herb is sometimes combined with guggul, triphala and trikatu in a traditional Ayurvedic tridoshic compound formula called gokshuradi guggul, used to support the proper function of the genitourinary tract. Gokshura promotes mental clarity. This herb contains harmine alkaloids, which may explain its sedative properties. It may be taken with ashwaganda as a tonic nervine in vata disorders.
Amla fruit
The famous Indian gooseberry, or amla fruit (Emblica officinalis) (the name means “sour”) is one of the most useful medicines in Asia, and is considered to be one of the strongest rejuvenatives. It is an exceptionally rich source of vitamin C. The vitamin C in amla is heat stable, so it survives cooking and drying. No wonder it is such a well know rejuvenator. Amla is a rasayana for the blood, bones, liver, and heart. It enhances production of red blood cells and strengthens the teeth, hair, and nails, as well as improving eyesight and regulating blood sugar. Amla is the frontline anti-inflammatory herb, and is used for a wide variety of inflammatory conditions, including hemorrhoids, gastritis, and colitis. Scientists recently confirmed the potent anti-inflammatory action of amla in an animal study. It is considered to be the prime general herb for the eyes, and is said to treat premature gray hair, for which it is taken internally an d used externally as an infused oil or water rinse. As a long term, slow acting remedy for chronic inflammation, use 1-2 grams per day in capsules. Ayurveda designates triphala, containing amla, as a rasayana remedy, a medicament that improves general health and prolongs life. For this purpose triphala is traditionally prescribed for up to a year in doses of twice daily 1 – 2 gram doses. It may even be taken throughout life on a semi-regular basis to cleanse the tissues, strengthen digestion, and sharpen the senses. Indian gooseberry is the basis for “Chyavanprash,” the most famous Ayurvedic rejuvenating jelly. The formulator designed this medicinal food supplement to enhance sexual functions and fertility. As a mild all around health tonic, chyavanprash can be used by people of all ages for almost any weakness or as a general energy supplement, but is especially appropriate for men. It is also particularly recommended for cough, dyspnea, emaciation, loss of voice, diseases of the chest and heart, thirst and rheumatic disorders. As a supreme long term tonic, it aids intelligence, memory, luster, immunity from disease, longevity, increased sense power, heightened gastric fire and peristalsis. Into a base of fresh amla fruit, over two dozen other herbal ingredients are added for their synergistic effects, including ghee, sugar cane juice, honey, clove, and cinnamon. Modern research says that chyavanprash protects the liver from damage and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol significantly. For sexual rejuvenation, stir chyavanprash into warm milk or spread on toast, and consume 1-2 Tbs. every day.
Holy Basil
This unassuming little garden plant plays a central role in the folk medicine of South Asia. This mild medicinal herb and vegetable is cultivated near temples and private homes, where it is believed to purify the air and to sanctify the environs. The name comes from the reverence with which it is regarded in Indian culture. Holy basil (“tulsi” in Sanskrit, Ocimum sanctum) is a member of the basil family (Ocimum), but this particular type of basil hardly resembles the culinary variety we are used to seeing in pesto here. Much more pungent, the plant has a bitter taste, and larger leaves. Though the seeds and root are used in medicine, the leaves are the main therapeutic part of the plant. In Ayurvedic herbalism, tulsi is used as an expectorant61 and anti-mucus herb, for respiratory diseases like cold and flu. It is quite warming to the body, so it acts as a diaphoretic, a characteristic that also lends itself to fever and flu treatment. As a warming digestive aid, is given for indigestion from overeating. Holy basil is a muscle relaxant, and kills intestinal parasites. Tulsi is considered to expand and sharpen awareness, aid meditation, and promote compassion when taken as a medicine. Quite recently, tulsi is getting serious attention in the scientific literature for its exciting potential uses in several important conditions. Most important, tulsi treats diabetes, normalizing both blood sugar and blood fats, including cholesterol and triglycerides, factors that are integral to diabetes, as well as to other cardiovascular diseases. A recent animal study led the researchers to conclude that, “The results indicated a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar, uronic acid, total amino acids, total cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipids and total lipids. In the liver, total cholesterol, triglycerides and total lipids were significantly lowered. Total lipids were significantly reduced in the kidney. In the heart, a significant fall in total cholesterol and phospholipids was observed.” Tulsi works for diabetes in humans. A significant, placebo controlled, crossover study showed a 17.6% reduction in blood sugar, and led the scientists to conclude that tulsi was of value in mild to moderate

diabetes. Ocimum sanctum seems to prevent cancer and to protect against radiation damage, at least in laboratory animals. A study earlier this year from Madras demonstrated that hamsters were protected from developing cancer of the mouth by taking holy basil. Mice survived radiation exposure when they had been administered the herb. Tulsi helps shortness of breath and bronchiopasm in asthma and kills microbes, including bacteria and fungi. It has now been shown to stimulate the immune system, confirming the historical use. This versatile herb also benefits ulcer. It has been shown to reduce acid production in the stomach and increase protective mucus secretion. Tulsi is anti-inflammatory. In addition, it is now presumed to have adaptogenic benefits. Traditionally, tulsi was thought to protect against damage from stress. Modern research now confirms it. Finally, research reveals that tulsi is an antioxidant- not surprising, considering its high flavonoid content, and its clinical effects. Traditionally, tulsi is given as a tea, in a dose of 3 tsp. of dry herb, brewed into water, per day. Tulsi is a very mild and safe herb, however, and some people have more success with higher doses. Gradually increase the amount of tea until you get the results you are looking for, or until you have any digestive distress, which is very unlikely. You may also drink the fresh juice, taking about one-half ounce three times a day. It has been historically combined with ginger and black pepper for asthma, or combined with honey for bronchitis for cough. The essential is inserted in the ear for ear infection.

Ginger root

Want to add a little zap to your tongue and your health? Zesty ginger may be just the thing. Ginger root, the tuberous root of Zingiber officinale, is one of the most popular spices throughout the world, and a treasure for home first aid, as well as some pretty serious medicine. In fact, this herb is called “the universal medicine” in Ayurveda. Herbs and spices are typically not significant sources of nutrients in the diet, but ginger has relatively high calcium and iron content. Tasty, aromatic ginger is a time-tested remedy for stomach upset. It is used by nearly every culture in the world. Ginger’s effect on motion sickness and nausea has been thoroughly proven, so it’s not surprising that Europeans practitioners use ginger in tea for indigestion. It reduces spasm, absorbs and neutralizes toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and increases the secretion of digestive juices, including bile and saliva. Ginger contains ingredients that soothe the gut and aid digestion by increasing peristalsis that moves food through the intestine.80 A new study from India demonstrated that ginger speeds up the time it takes the stomach to empty, a benefit for feelings of abdominal discomfort and bloating. Compounds in ginger have shown benefit in the prevention of cancer. Widely used for arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, in Asian herbalism, ginger is especially appropriate for cold, non-lubricated joints. There is some preliminary scientific information on ginger for this purpose. Ginger increases peripheral circulation, so is used clinically for cold hands and feet. Being diaphoretic, it treats cold and flu.
Ginger works well for carpal tunnel wrist pain. Slice the fresh roots lengthwise in thin, flat strips. Wrap the wrist with the strips, cover with a bandage and leave overnight. A compress made from cooked, fresh grated ginger also works well. Although there is, as yet, little science behind it, Asian medicine uses ginger for migraine. Ginger is absolute best thing for treating a migraine at the time that it develops, one of the few things that will work at the time. Stir two tablespoons of ginger powder into water and drink it at the onset of visual disturbances—the “aura”—before the pain starts. Usually that will knock it cold. The migraine may try to restart in about four hours, in which case you have to do this again.
Ginger is very safe, so consume it as desired in food, or use up to 3 grams per day in capsules. Use 1 tsp. chopped fresh root, brewed as tea, 3 times a day.
Turmeric root
Turmeric is one of, if not the most widely used, herbs for arthritis in India where it is commonly combined with ginger for this condition. This action is probably due primarily to curcumin. The antiinflammatory effects of curcumin are well documented. While typical anti-inflammatory drugs have grave side effects like ulcer formation and immune suppression, curcumin is exceedingly safe. Curcumin has been shown to be at least as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone in acute inflammation. Like capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne, curcumin also depletes substance P, the neurotransmitter of pain, in the nerve endings. When used orally, curcumin has several direct anti-inflammatory effects, including inhibiting leukotriene formation, inhibiting platelet aggregation, promotion of fibrinolysis, and stabilizing lysosomal membranes. T’he herb is widely used in all joint conditions, and is said to have a general joint rebuilding capability. It is used in rheumatoid arthritis and gout (both internally and as a pack on the joint). It normalizes ligaments, and therefore facilitates stretching exercise, such as Yoga. Applied as a wash, it can be used for inflamed eye conditions (conjunctivitis, opthalmia).
Turmeric is antibacterial, and has the capability of killing many types of bacteria. Ayurveda recommends it for those who are chronically weak, as it is thought to be supportive of intestinal flora. Recently, it was shown that turmeric can destroy salmonella bacteria, a common cause of food poisoning, within 15 minutes. It is also active against staph bacteria.
While known to be generally immune supportive, turmeric has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of HIV. A recent study at Harvard Medical School, comparing curcumin with chemotherapy drugs, demonstrated that it was effective as an inhibitor of HIV replication. Turmeric is used historically in Ayurveda, both internally and externally, for the treatment of boils. It is also antifungal and anthelmintic, acting especially against Entamoeba histolytica. Long used as a respiratory herb, turmeric excels in reducing cough, for which it is often mixed as a household remedy with coriander and cumin. As an astringent and anti-inflammatory herb, turmeric is effective as a gargle for sore throat. Bitter herbs, generally, are known to be cooling. Turmeric can be used for severe sore throat with fever. In Ayurveda it is often administered in combination with ghee for this condition.
External Preparations
To keep the body young, massage daily with a combination of the infused oils of ashwaganda, shatavari and bala. Leave on to absorb for 2 hours before bathing. This program is antiaging (vayasthapan), as it treats excess vata. A simple oil of ashwaganda infused in sesame oil is a basic penis massage oil.
Other Sex Remedies
While not strictly an herb per se, shilajit is widely used in Ayurveda. It is a tarry black or brown substance that exudes from rock cliffs, primarily in the Himalayas. It is thought to be an aged form of a prehistoric herb which is seeping to the earth’s surface, but its origin still remains obscure. The tar is purified, dried, and encapsulated or stirred into an appropriate liquid, such as milk. Many combination products include shilajit. One such is Shilajit Vati, which is a mixture of shilajit paste and triphala powder, processed in the juices of the fresh triphala fruits.
Shilajit is a general detoxifier and rejuvenate, and is particularly useful in diabetes. It is considered to be quite beneficial for the genitourinary tract in general, so is widely employed for impotence. Licorice is used in Ayurveda to improve sexual potency, libido eyesight and physical strength. Licorice is considered, as adaptogens generally do, to enhance the effects of other herbs in a formula, so it is widely used.

Safed (white) musali tuber (Asparagus adscendens) is a potent aphrodisiac plant. According to the Sarngadhar Samhita, it has been used since the 11th century A.D. It contains various stigmasterol derivatives. It is nutritive and demulcent, so suits urinary disorders. It is also been shown significant effect in increasing semen volume and total sperm count. Clinical trails also showed it to enhance working capacity.96 Similar to ashwaganda, it imparts strength. Safed Musali in traditionally used for male lack of libido and impotence. It is also widely used as a general health promoting, anti-aging tonic, with an affinity for the pelvis and rectum. With its sweet taste, hot temperature and heavy quality, it pacifies vata and pitta. For general sexual debility and impotence, it is cooked in milk. It is often used in combination with other similar herbs, in a dose of 1-2 grams per day. For acute current sexual problem, use 10 or more grams per day.

Licorice root is probably the most extensively studied adrenal herb in the world. Rich in both saponins and flavonoids, licorice root is anti-inflammatory. The structure of the saponins resembles adrenal hormones. Many studies have proven its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. Licorice preserves the effect of the body’s hormone, cortisol, allowing it to maintain longer anti-inflammatory action.

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is one of the most respected alteratives in Ayurveda, and it is quite drying. Its warming nature balances the cold herbs in a formula. It is ideal for kapha conditions with ama and cold, wet, boggy tissues.

Pipali peppercorn (Long pepper, Piper longum) is a powerful, rejuvenating, warming alterative rasayana remedy, which moistens the tissues and offsets the drying action of the other herbs. It is often combined with black pepper to offset the opposite moisture characteristics.

Cloves are mildly aphrodisiac and stimulating. Saffron (kesar), a very powerful and expensive herb, is an acclaimed vajikarana. Not a tonic in itself, it synergizes with other tonic herbs. It is often used in milk preparations. I learned a remedy from my mentor, Yogi Bhajan, that combined saffron with camphor. Proprietary and classical impotence formulas often center on a combination of ashwaganda, shatavari and kapi kachu. Kapi kachu seed (Cowhage, Mucuna pruriens) is considered to be one of the best male reproductive tonics. It contains l-dopa. For impotence, powder 2 seeds and take with warm milk daily at bedtime. It increases libido and erectile function. A traditional aphrodisiac (Vanari Vatika) is made by boiling the seeds in milk. Then the seeds are pounded, fried in ghee and mixed with raw sugar. This mass is soaked in honey and rolled into a bolus.