Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What is good for your health?

Jennifer Mashburn

I’m going to give you 25 Health and Nutrition Tips that are important for your good health:

1. Don’t drink sugar calories

Sugary drinks are among the most fattening items you can put into your body.

This is because your brain doesn’t measure calories from liquid sugar the same way it does for solid food.

Therefore, when you drink soda, you end up eating more total calories.

Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health problems.

Keep in mind that certain fruit juices may be almost as bad as soda in this regard, as they sometimes contain just as much sugar. Their small amounts of antioxidants do not negate the sugar’s harmful effects.

2. Eat nuts

Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy.

They’re loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, and various other nutrients.

Studies demonstrate that nuts can help you lose weight and may help fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Additionally, your body doesn’t absorb 10–15% of the calories in nuts. Some evidence also suggests that this food can boost metabolism.

In one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62%, compared with complex carbs.

3. Avoid processed junk food (eat real food instead)

Processed junk food is incredibly unhealthy.

These foods have been engineered to trigger your pleasure centers, so they trick your brain into overeating — even promoting food addiction in some people.

They’re usually low in fiber, protein, and micronutrients but high in unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined grains. Thus, they provide mostly empty calories.

4. Don’t fear coffee

Coffee is very healthy.

It’s high in antioxidants, and studies have linked coffee intake to longevity and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and numerous other illnesses.

5. Eat fatty fish

Fish is a great source of high-quality protein and healthy fat.

This is particularly true of fatty fish, such as salmon, which is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients.

Studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of several conditions, including heart disease, dementia, and depression.

6. Get enough sleep

The importance of getting enough quality sleep cannot be overstated.

Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, disrupt your appetite hormones, and reduce your physical and mental performance.

What's more, poor sleep is one of the strongest individual risk factors for weight gain and obesity. One study linked insufficient sleep to 89% and 55% increased risk of obesity in children and adults, respectively.

7. Take care of your gut health with probiotics and fiber

The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the gut microbiota, are incredibly important for overall health.

A disruption in gut bacteria is linked to some of the world’s most serious chronic diseases, including obesity.

Good ways to improve gut health include eating probiotic foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, taking probiotic supplements, and eating plenty of fiber. Notably, fiber functions as fuel for your gut bacteria.

8. Drink some water, especially before meals

Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits.

Surprisingly, it can boost the number of calories you burn.

Two studies note that it can increase metabolism by 24–30% over 1–1.5 hours. This can amount to 96 additional calories burned if you drink 8.4 cups (2 liters) of water per day.

The optimal time to drink it is before meals. One study showed that downing 2.1 cups (500 ml) of water 30 minutes before each meal increased weight loss by 44%.

9. Don’t overcook or burn your meat

Meat can be a nutritious and healthy part of your diet. It’s very high in protein and contains various important nutrients.

However, problems occur when meat is overcooked or burnt. This can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that raise your risk of cancer.

When you cook meat, make sure not to overcook or burn it.

10. Avoid bright lights before sleep

When you’re exposed to bright lights in the evening, it may disrupt your production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

One strategy is to use a pair of amber-tinted glasses that block blue light from entering your eyes in the evening.

This allows melatonin to be produced as if it were completely dark, helping you sleep better.

11. Take vitamin D3 if you don’t get much sun exposure

Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D.

Yet, most people don’t get enough sun exposure.

In fact, about 41.6% of the U.S. population is deficient in this critical vitamin.

If you’re unable to get adequate sun exposure, vitamin D supplements are a good alternative.

Their benefits include improved bone health, increased strength, reduced symptoms of depression, and a lower risk of cancer. Vitamin D may also help you live longer.

12. Eat vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are loaded with prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants, some of which have potent biological effects.

Studies show that people who eat the most vegetables and fruits live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other illnesses (50, 51).

13. Make sure to eat enough protein

Eating enough protein is vital for optimal health.

What’s more, this nutrient is particularly important for weight loss.

High protein intake can boost metabolism significantly while making you feel full enough to automatically eat fewer calories. It can also reduce cravings and your desire to snack late at night.

Sufficient protein intake has also been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

14. Do some cardio

Doing aerobic exercise, also called cardio, is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health.

It’s particularly effective at reducing belly fat, the harmful type of fat that builds up around your organs. Reduced belly fat should lead to major improvements in metabolic health.

15. Don’t smoke or do drugs, and only drink in moderation

If you smoke or abuse drugs, tackle those problems first. Diet and exercise can wait.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and consider avoiding it completely if you tend to drink too much.

16. Use extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils.

It’s loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that can fight inflammation.

Extra virgin olive oil benefits heart health, as people who consume it have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes.

17. Minimize your sugar intake

Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet, as large amounts can harm your metabolic health.

High sugar intake is linked to numerous ailments, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many forms of cancer.

18. Don’t eat a lot of refined carbs

Not all carbs are created equal.

Refined carbs have been highly processed to remove their fiber. They’re relatively low in nutrients and can harm your health when eaten in excess.

Studies show that refined carbs are linked to overeating and numerous metabolic diseases.

19. Don’t fear saturated fat

Saturated fat has been controversial.

While it’s true that saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, it also raises HDL (good) cholesterol and shrinks your LDL (bad) particles, which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease.

New studies in hundreds of thousands of people have questioned the association between saturated fat intake and heart disease.

20. Lift heavy things

Lifting weights is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your muscles and improve your body composition.

It also leads to massive improvements in metabolic health, including improved insulin sensitivity.

The best approach is to lift weights, but doing bodyweight exercises can be just as effective.

21. Avoid artificial trans fats

Artificial trans fats are harmful, man-made fats that are strongly linked to inflammation and heart disease.

While trans fats have been largely banned in the United States and elsewhere, the U.S. ban hasn’t gone fully into effect — and some foods still contain them.

22. Use plenty of herbs and spices

Many incredibly healthy herbs and spices exist.

For example, ginger and turmeric both have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, leading to various health benefits.

Due to their powerful benefits, you should try to include as many herbs and spices as possible in your diet.

23. Take care of your relationships

Social relationships are incredibly important not only for your mental well-being but also for your physical health.

Studies show that people who have close friends and family are healthier and live much longer than those who do not.

24. Track your food intake every now and then

The only way to know exactly how many calories you eat is to weigh your food and use a nutrition tracker.

It’s also essential to make sure that you’re getting enough protein, fiber, and micronutrients.

Studies reveal that people who track their food intake tend to be more successful at losing weight and sticking to a healthy diet.

25. If you have excess belly fat, get rid of it

Belly fat is particularly harmful.

It accumulates around your organs and is strongly linked to metabolic disease.

For this reason, your waist size may be a much stronger marker of your health than your weight.

Cutting carbs and eating more protein and fiber are all excellent ways to get rid of belly fat.

The bottom line

A few simple steps can go a long way toward improving your diet
 and wellness.

Still, if you’re trying to live a healthier life, don’t just focus on the foods you eat. Exercise, sleep, and social relationships are also important.

With the tips above, it’s easy to get your body feeling great every day.

What are tips for weight loss?

Geoffrey Verity Schofield

You may be delusional. Here are some cold, hard, brutal facts about fat loss which most people — including other coaches — are too nice to tell you.

  1. Weight training burns a humorously low number of calories. Or a really sad number of calories, based on how sick your sense of humor is.

    It’s unlikely you are burning more than 400 calories during a weight training session, and most people are probably closer to 100–200. On your phone half the session? Maybe 50.
  2. Some foods, particularly those high in fat, can contain an astonishing number of calories, because they are calorically dense. A handful of nuts could easily be several hundred calories. Know what you are eating.
  3. Whether a food is “healthy” or not has very little to do with if it will help you lose fat. Nuts, avocado, seeds, olive oil…it’ll still end up on your ass. Doesn’t matter how something is marketed, just how your body uses it.
  4. Sleep enough. Sleep well.
  5. If you are not weighing your food, you are not counting calories. That simple. Your “scoop” of peanut butter is probably two.
  6. If you eat at a restaurant, you are not counting calories that day. Restaurant food probably has 50–100% more calories than you would expect. They load it up with butter, fat, lard, grease because they are not idiots and want it to taste GOOD.
  7. Even cardio doesn’t burn all that many calories. If you have the work capacity to burn thousands of calories with cardio, you probably don’t have a fat loss problem anyway.
  8. If you have a big appetite, one cheat meal can ruin a week of dieting. That 3k deficit you thought you created was actually half that due to counting errors, and now it’s zero. Or worse.
  9. The scale can lie. Weight loss is rarely linear. But it’s still the best information you have. Those that say you shouldn’t weigh yourself on your fat loss journey are selling you a lie. It’s invaluable. Do it often.
  10. Sugar isn’t going to make you fatter than other calories, but it might be easier to eat a lot of it.
  11. Insulin isn’t the problem. It’s the shitty diet that releases it that’s the issue. Focus on what you can control. Excess calories make people fat, not insulin. Shredded bodybuilders literally inject insulin, and some quack doctors convince people that it’s causing the obesity crisis? Get the fuck out of here.
  12. If your goal is to lose fat, that will almost certainly include losing weightYou can come up with some scenario where the muscle you gain from weight training offsets the fat you lost (recomping) but in reality fat loss should be SO much faster than muscle gain that if your primary goal is fat loss, that scale SHOULD be going down.
  13. Some people can be obese and healthy, but statistically they are oddities and shouldn’t be used as justification for being obese. Furthermore, obesity is an independent risk factor for a whole host of issues including death, so it’s just not a good idea. Plus, those “fit but fat” people would be healthier if they were a lower body fat percentage.
  14. If you have delicious food in the house, it will get eaten. By you. Probably all at once. Don’t keep that shit in the house. Reduce the need for willpower, don’t make things hard for yourself.
  15. Never shop when hungry.
  16. Eat more fiber and protein, ~1.6g/kg+ for the latter.
  17. Drink more water. 2L minimum, 3L is better. I’ll be damn close to 6–8L in the summer. I’ve put away 10L before.
  18. Most fat loss products are shit. Not all. Most. This is on YOU to do, not a product.
  19. Keep a food log. Just the act of writing it down will make you think about it more.
  20. If you are eating, eat. If you are doing something else, don’t eat. Computer/social media/TV plus food=disaster.
  21. Don’t snack. This might be controversial, but I’ve seen it VERY correlated with poor body composition (600+ client questionnaires). Only exception is if you are lean already and very active, OR if you want to gain weight. If you want to lose weight, it’s likely a bad idea, especially if sedentary. Exception would be protein. That’s not most snacks.

    Learn to go more than a few hours without food. Your body WILL adapt, and part of that adaptation is actually, you know…using body fat, not those pringles you’re scarfing between meals.
  22. Know your family history of illness. If you have diabetes hiding in the leaves of both sides of your family tree, that should light a fucking fire under your ass to take care of yourself.
  23. Get a coach. Knowledge, accountability, support, feedback…some clients send me every meal they eat. Or have a coworker/spouse/friend/family member hold you accountable. Or, hold yourself accountable.
  24. If married or partnered up or whatever, your significant other had better be 100% on board. If they are also overweight, they should probably be losing weight as well. Only one side of a row boat rowing…just goes in circles.
  25. You don’t have to lose the weight all at once. It can be done in phases.
  26. Walk more.
  27. You will be hungry at times. That’s not weird. It’s normal. It doesn’t mean you are dying. Just dieting.
  28. Most people will fail. 90%, 95%, the exact percentage varies based on the study or source, but it’s certainly the vast majority. This can be depressing or motivating based on your perspective.

    “Most people will fail, I’ll definitely fail”
    “I’m going to be one of the few that succeeds”
  29. Apps are great. Calorie trackers and gadgets are great. Technology is great. It doesn’t change the fundamentals of fat loss, you still need to be in a caloric deficit. Also, most overestimate caloric burn.
  30. Don’t underestimate your body fat percentage. You probably have more fat to lose than you think.

For example, I asked people to guess the difference in bodyweight between these two pics — admittedly different lighting, which is part of it. Most said 1–3kg. Some said zero weight loss at all, due to muscle growth. Nope…

About 9-10kg weight loss. Particularly if you want to get LEAN, you’re probably carrying around more fat than you think.

You can do this. It won’t be easy, but it’s certainly possible.

Follow me on Instagram 
for daily diet and training tips! Subscribe to my YouTube 
channel for longer form, informative content.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

10 things that I tell myself whenever I am feeling demotivated or scared

Shah Faisal Shah

These are the 10 things that I tell myself whenever I am feeling demotivated or scared: 🔥 🔥 🔥 

1-"In this world, you either take control or be controlled."

2-"Fear is the fuel that drives the engine of success."

3-"Power doesn't apologize, and neither do I."

4-"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your secrets closest."

5-"The world is cruel; it's up to you to be just as ruthless."

6-"If you want to be the king, you must first learn how to play the game."

7-"I don't believe in luck; I believe in hard work and determination."

8-"The more dangerous the game, the sweeter the reward."

9-"In this life, we all wear masks, but it's how you wear them that defines you."

10-"The only loyalty that matters is the one you have to yourself." 💪👑

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Women’s March for equality and justice

Fr. Shay Cullen

10 March 2023

Women have been longing for equality with men for thousands of years and began campaigning and marching only two hundred years ago for their rights and dignity to be respected. Throughout history, they have suffered discrimination and oppression and were considered property and were sold for sex to old men. Men ruled the world, so-called “honor killings” happen frequently in Pakistan where in 2021, according to the Human Rights Commission, as many as 470 girls were killed in 2021 but human rights workers say the number could reach a staggering 1,000 a year.  

Around the world, women resisted and gradually fought for their rights. On 17 September 1937, Philippine women won the right to vote and many rights have been won since then. It could take three hundred years to achieve equality for all women, according to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. We celebrated International Women's Day last March 8 and Women’s Month this month in the Philippines. The theme this year is Accelerating Equality and Empowerment for Women.

Throughout history, males dominated, abused, and enslaved women and children to have sex at any time and could rape with impunity. Even children were raped as they are today. Although in the last 40 years a great awaking on girls’ rights has changed apathy into action to defend the victims of sexual abuse.

There is a misogynistic attitude of hatred and contempt for women and girls present in society and institutions where empowered women are a threat to male historical patriarchy. Violence and exploitation of women is growing as seen on social media allegedly led by the likes of men such as Andrew Tate and his brother. They are allegedly women- haters and blame women for rape.

They are presently arrested and detained in Romania on human trafficking charges, woman abuse and exploitation. Tate was banned on Twitter but recently allowed back on by Elon Musk, the new owner. BBC researchers found that Tate’s following on Twitter shot up from 150,000 in November 2022 to a present astounding five million followers. Most of them are young men that share his views and desires to control and dominate women.

There are the brave and courageous young women that fight back against their rapists. Now almost 19, Angel (not her real name) told her story as a survivor of childhood incest and multiple rape. She addressed a gathering at the Preda Foundation 49th anniversary recently where two ambassadors, Ambassador David Hartman of Canada and Ambassador William Carlos of Ireland, Governor Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. Of Zambales, distinguished officials and international observers listened to her story.

She told the silent and intent gathering that when she was six years old she lived in fear after her father raped her one night. She was afraid to tell anyone and buried the memory and pain and hurt. She pretended nothing happened. When she was eight years old, it happened again. Angel tried to escape but he caught her and she was raped again. “Why did you do it, Papa?” she asked him later. “Because I love you, tell no one, or your mother will be hurt,” he answered. She asked, “Is this love?”

Again, like thousands of victims of incest and sex abuse, Angel buried the memory, afraid to tell others. Then, her brother molested her, and a neighbor-friend of the family came and raped her also. Then, her father and brother raped her again several times. They had made her a dis-empowered frightened sex slave. She feared being killed if she told anyone. Somehow when 16, she found the courage and told her mother and begged her to get them to stop. She was not believed. In despair, she thought of suicide but could not do it.

She told the audience that one day she got out of the house, met a kindly woman and told her what she endured. She was rescued by social workers and brought to the Preda Foundation home. There, after a year of affirmation, friendship and Emotional Release Therapy, she recovered, was empowered and filed her legal complaint against her abusers.

Her father and brother were prosecuted in the Olongapo City Family Court by Fiscal Bernadine Santos and after two long trials, they were found guilty and sentenced to life in prison by Judge Gemma Theresa B. Hilario-Logronio. Justice was finally done and now Princess is a strong empowered young woman going to school and living independently while starting life again helped by Preda. The audience applauded with admiration for her courage.

Woman and child abuse is a centuries-old evil. With the coming of Jesus of Nazareth and his progressive teaching on the rights and dignity of women and children, there was little change. Institutional religions ignored that teaching and focused on obscure theologizing and fighting bloody wars over their abstruse theologies.

The man from Nazareth treated women with dignity, respect, understanding and declared them as having dignity and equality. He said children are more important than the elders, scribes, teachers and adults (Matthew 18:1-5). He shocked the patriarchal society when he tried to overturn the unjust, unequal repressive system that degraded women and children as if they were non-persons.  A male dominated society crucified him for his audacious teaching that all were equal as "Children of God,” his father. The elite killed him as they do human and women’s rights activists today. What the Man from Nazareth that overcame death taught is so simple, “Love one another as I loved you.” He said to respect every human person especially women and children equally. Love your neighbor as yourself, believe that goodness, truth, action for justice and love of neighbor will overcome evil. That is the basic values of Christianity.

Recognizing the equal rights of women and ridding the church of abusive clerics is the great challenge facing the institutional Church today. A woman from God is needed to right this terrible wrong. The church hierarchy is against such a leader. So we rely on Pope Francis who is following the advice of three women appointed as his consultants to the influential Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In the Philippine Church, women have little influence or status due to a conservative hierarchy. Several congregations of religious sisters are empowered, independent-minded and serve the people with great dedication but other diocesan orders have been made servants of the bishops and priests.

In society, women have demanded respect, recognition of their abilities, achievements and intelligence. They have a more important status in a society that respects their dignity and intelligence. Today, women make up 28 percent of the congress. More has to be done to make it 50 percent. Yet they have over the years, by sheer determination and persistence, strengthened those positions and influence and passed laws to bring greater freedom and equality and protection to women and children. There are at least 10 laws protecting women rights and 37 protecting children.

What is needed is not only belief in the rights of women and children but action for a change of mind and heart among men and women to respect their dignity and acknowledge the rights of women and children and implement the laws protecting them. Belief without action is dead.


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Will China Invade The Philippines?

Why would China attack an ally?

Two years ago China though that all the ASEAN and nations that surround the South China Sea could come together to create the world largest free-trade zone. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Here is a map of members.

and here is a list.

You will note that the Philippine is a member. Given the China is the defacto leader of RCEP I suspect that China and the Philippines are on good terms because if they weren’t then the Philippines would NOT be a member.

If you look at the list of names you will find that most of the members are, supposedly, anti-China - nation such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Yet here they all are willing and able to work in a confederation of nations that will happily work together.

RCEP is expected to control 30% of the worlds economy in the near future and if you go through the list of members a large number of under-developed or developing. That suggest that’s the rich nations will, for a while, be carrying the largest load until those poorer nations are given everything they need to develop at a far faster rate than they have been which could see the 30% control of the worlds economy could rise far higher.

All the anti-China rhetoric from the US and her Western allies is bull-shit and the bull-shit is because the Western nations and the US are terrified that they are going to be far less relevant in the future than they are today.

Emirio Syauqi Pratama

I assume you're asking this because of the Spratly Islands dispute.

In my opinion. this is an unlikely scenario because of 3 reasons.

1) China and the Philippines need each other economically. They rely on each other heavily for trade.

2) The USA. If China does invade the Philippines, the US is obligated to help the latter due to their strong alliance, and no military in the world is stronger than the US military.

3) NATO. Technically, the archipelago isn't a NATO member due to its location in the world, but since they gained major non-NATO ally status in 2003, they will have access to the US military aid.

Hope this helped.)