Saturday, March 11, 2023

What are some amazing facts of Leonardo da Vinci?

Sangram Sagar

1 – Da Vinci was the first person to explain why the sky is blue, you know?

2 – The guy was so genius that he could write with one hand while drawing with the other!

3 – In 1508, he was the first person to have the idea of ​​what we know today as contact lenses;

4 – Bill Gates bought the Codex Hammer, which is a compilation of texts and drawings made by Da Vinci, in 1994, for US$ 30 million. Some of its pages were used as Windows 95 screen savers;

5 – His studies on river erosion convinced him that the Earth was older than the Bible claimed to be;

6 – A facial recognition software found that Mona Lisa is 83% happy, 9% annoyed, 6% scared and 2% angry;

7 – Da Vinci is a famous left-hander, besides him we have Napoleon, Michelangelo, Einstein, Newton, Bill Gates, Oprah and Jimi Hendrix.

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