Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Researchers from Stockholm recently published a study that found that people who ate 2 slices of bacon a day were 19% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who do not.

As there are no early tests, pancreatic cancer kills more than any other cancer. Unfortunately, 74% of patients with pancreatic cancer die within the first year of diagnosis, and only 7% of them will live more than 5 years.
Researchers found a strong association between intake of processed meat and cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Thus, they concluded that processed meat is associated with a mortality rate and that 3.3% of deaths could be prevented if they ate less than 20 grams. processed meat every day.
The key point in this research were nitrates, a substance that is added as a preservative and gives the red color to products. Various studies have long linked nitrates with cancer, so it is safe that bacon and other processed meats cause cancer of the pancreas and other cancers!
Reducing the risk of these cancers would be easier if we pay attention to the food that we take into our bodies. Enjoy your favorite meat products such as bacon should be in moderation and only in this way could be part of a healthy lifestyle!
Share this post with your friends and warn them of the consequences of excessive consumption primarily pork and processed meat!

This “Healthy” Food Can Cause Breast Cancer & Brain Damage. Stop Eating It Immediately

When they intend to incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle, numerous people decide to replace eggs and meat with tofu, as we are continually told by the soy industry that it is the healthier option.
Yet, apparently, the opposite case is still the better alternative. Namely, tofu is far from a healthy food, so it is advisable that you stick to your common habits and continue eating grass- fed meat, organic eggs, and raw dairy industry products.
According to Dr. Daniel, food processors used in the West divide the soybeans into oil and protein, which is an unsafe and harmful procedure, which involves high pressure, and temperature, alkali, acid baths, petroleum solvents, which release carcinogenic and poisonous residues.
These fractionated products isolate and hydrolyze plant protein since all processed soy has trypsin which impedes proper digestion, as well as phytates which obstruct the absorption of minerals.
A diet rich in soy products can cause numerous health problems, including:
  • Soy allergies;
  • Increases homocysteine levels;
  • Raises the risk of heart diseases, stroke and birth defects;
  • Reproductive disorders;
  • Thyroid problems, such as hair loss, loss of libido, fatigue, malaise, lethargy, weight gain;
  • Brain damage;
  • development issues in children, babies and adolescents, as well as premature puberty;
  • Cancer.
A petition signed by Dr. Daniel and a colleague -- expert which contained 65 pages was sent to the FDA, demanding it to retract the statement approved in 1999 that soy prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Soy products should not be consumed by pregnant women, as well as children. Namely, babies and children are most prone to the mimicking effects of the hormone in soy.
The daily exposure to estrogen-imitating chemicals in children who eat soy formulas has been found to be 6-11 times higher than in the case of adults who ate soy foods. Moreover, the hormones’ concentration has been 13,000-22,000 times higher than the levels of estrogen in the blood. This amount is the same as 5 birth control pills daily. Hence, always give your children natural and organic foods.
Here are the most important reasons to eliminate soybeans from your diet:
  • Soybeans have hemagglutinins which cause blood-clotting.
  • The majority of soybeans are GMO and are full of pesticides.
  • Soy has goitrogens which cause decrease the function of the thyroid gland.
  • Soybeans contain phytates that block the mineral absorption, that is, the absorption of zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium.
  • Soybeans are rich in anti- nutrients ( natural toxins), like inhibitors, that block the enzyme secretion which is necessary for the protein digestion and are not destroyed in the cooking process. This causes an extensive gastric disease and chronic amino acid intake deficiencies, leading to damage of the pancreas, and even cancer.
Yet, you can still consume soy in a safe way as follows:
  • Miso-usually used in miso soups, miso paste has a salty taste and buttery texture.
  • Natto- its taste is similar to cheese, and it has a sticky texture. It is rich in vitamin K2, beneficial bacteria known as bacillus subitilis, and nattokinase (blood thinner).
  • Soy sauce- many soy sauce varieties are made of artificial chemical products, but the sauce is made from soybeans, salt and fermenting enzymes.
  • Tempeh- its taste is similar to mushrooms, and its texture is nutty and firm.
Hence, it is important to eliminate all kinds of foods with soy ingredients, such as soy cheese, soy protein powders, soy energy bars, soy milk, soy burgers, and soy ice cream. You should also avoid processed foods, and eat fermented, unprocessed, and whole foods instead.

Learn How To Make The Most Powerful Juice That Naturally Removes Kidney stones and Gallstones!!!!

Statistics shows that one in ten people have kidney stones at any point of the lifetime? Latest studies have confirmed that the incidence of kidney stones is greater than ever.
Moreover, about half a million people ‘visit’ emergency rooms, and complain of their kidney issues.
What are kidney stones?
Urine carries dissolved waste materials. When there is too much waste in too little liquid, crystals begin to form.
Crystals join with other elements in solid formations that may grow over time if not expelled through the urine. Usually, these chemicals are eliminated in the urine by the kidneys.
The Proper amount of liquid flushes the chemicals out, and thus prevents the formation of kidney stones. The stone-forming chemicals are calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, and phosphate.
After it is formed, the stone may stay in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract into the ureter. Sometimes, tiny stones move out of the body in the urine without causing too much pain.
However, stones that don’t move may cause a back-up of urine in the kidney, ureter, the bladder or the urethra. This is what causes the pain.
The formation of kidney stones is triggered by insufficient water intake, excessive/insufficient physical activity, obesity, weight loss surgery, too salty/sugary foods, etc. Infections or genes may sometimes be the underlying cause.
Eating too much fructose correlates with increasing risk of developing a kidney stone. Fructose can be found in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
In order to prevent kidney stones formation, drink plenty of filtered water and other fluids!
What else can you do to prevent kidney stone formation?
  • Avoid foods with high oxalate content – When combined with calcium and iron, oxalate form crystals that may be excreted in urine or form larger kidney stones that can block the kidney tubules. Avoid peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, spinach, black tea, cashews, hazelnuts, soybeans, soy milk, instant tea, rhubarb, beets, sweet potatoes, dried beans and chocolate.
  • Reduce the consumption of animal protein foods
  • Avoid foods with high sodium content
  • Avoid foods high in calcium.
Extra tip:
Drink a glass of water before you go to bed, throughout the night (if you are awake) and before you go back to bed.
The citric acid in lemons breaks up calcium crystals.
Watermelon is often recommended to patients with kidney stones. It is a strong diuretic and contains more water than other fruits, which means it stimulates the elimination of kidney stones.
Potassium also dissolves kidney stones.
Drink plenty of water and citrus juices. Is there any better way of dissolving kidney stones naturally?
Kidney stone juice
  • 1 organic orange, peeled
  • 1 organic apple
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 4 slices of organic watermelon
  • 4 ice cubes
Blend the ingredients and enjoy your refreshing drink!
All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

Yoga fitness: Let it change your life

myAspria contributor Louise Hick explains that there is more to yoga than meets the eye.
Yoga isn’t just a sport.  It’s also a life discipline with both physical and mental benefits. Here we decode the philosophy and the paths to prolonging its efficacy every day.

Born in India and practised for thousands of years, today yoga is often seen as a sport, but it’s so much more than a physical activity.

Etymologically, yoga means joining or linking together. In practice, it forms a bond between the body and the spirit. Based on a series of asanas (or poses), it’s also a breathing exercise which should come from deep within you and the breathing is intimately linked to the movements. This working partnership between the breathing and the body helps to forge an intimate connection with yourself.
Although yoga might look like a very simple practice, this aspect of it has an effect on emotional stability and concentration in the medium-term, reducing anxiety – as demonstrated by a study published by the University of Boston in 2010. Additionally, besides the proven psycho-spiritual benefits, many scientific studies have demonstrated the positive impact yoga can have on health.
Practised regularly, yoga helps to reduce blood pressure, to regulate the heart rate and to treat back problems. Harvard University has even published a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine which showed that practising yoga can have a positive impact on sexual arousal and orgasm in women.
Day in, day out

When we’re assessing the potential effects of yoga, it’s interesting to consider how you can prolong them, even outside the classroom.

The first step could be to review diets – which should be our first form of medicine, according to Hippocrates. Out with the mass-produced and processed as we take up our saucepans again to eat fresh, uncomplicated food and learn how to (re)connect with the things that are good for our bodies. When we wake up, lemon juice diluted with warm water, drunk on an empty stomach, is perfect for detoxifying our systems.

Secondly, we can work on our spatial awareness of our bodies. This can be achieved by practising a series of poses every day, when we get up in the morning (or at the most convenient time for each person; yoga is in tune with everyone). Third or fourth – and there are no more steps – should be ten minutes of exercise. Choose asanas according to how well their properties match your wishes for the day, even if it’s appealing to maintain a certain ritual in this daily practice.
Finally, pay particular attention to your breathing and take time out, three or four times a day, to stop and take a series of three or four long, deep breaths. It’s the perfect way to put some distance between yourself and the stress of daily life.

And to encourage yourself and “live yoga”, follow us on Instagram for sublime photos of modern, inspiring and beautiful yogis, @cathy-oga, @alicehaumont and @strechylicious. Namaste, virtually!

Do You Know What Are The Things That Can Deflate Your Erection?

What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Erectile Dysfunction is among those topics regarded as taboo. Now, let’s discuss it on view. There are elements that can deflate your erection, and this moment in time, all secrets are out.
The brain is an often-overlooked erogenous zone. Sexual excitement starts in your head and works
its way down. Depression can dampen your desire and can lead to erectile dysfunction. Ironically, many of the drugs used to treat depression can also suppress your sex drive and make it harder to get an erection, and they can cause a delay in your orgasm.  Related: Turmeric Lemonade Amazing Natural Cure For Depression
Low Libido
Low libido isn’t the same as erectile dysfunction, but a lot of the same factors that stifle an erection can also dampen your interest in sex. Low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, and certain medications can all reduce your sex drive. When all those worries are tied up with making love, your interest in sex can take a nosedive.
Middle-Aged Spread
Carrying extra pounds can impact your sexual performance, and not just by lowering your self-esteem. Obese men have lower levels of the male hormone testosterone, which is important for sexual desire and producing an erection. Being overweight is also linked to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, which can reduce blood flow to the penis.
It’s not easy to get in the mood when you’re overwhelmed by responsibilities at work and home. Stress can take its toll on many different parts of your body, including your penis. Deal with stress by making lifestyle changes that promote well-being and relaxation, such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and seeking professional help when appropriate.
You might consider having a few drinks to get in the mood, but overindulging could make it harder for you to finish the act. Heavy alcohol use can interfere with erections, but the effects are usually temporary. The good news is that moderate drinking — one or two drinks a day — might have health benefits like reducing heart disease risks. And those risks are similar to erectile dysfunction risks.
Worrying that you won’t be able to perform in bed can make it harder for you to do just that. Anxiety from other parts of your life can also spill over into the bedroom. All that worry can make you fear and avoid intimacy, which can spiral into a vicious cycle that puts a big strain on your sex life — and relationship.
Anger can make the blood rush to your face, but not to the one place you need it when you want to have sex. It’s not easy to feel romantic when you’re raging, whether your anger is directed at your partner or not. Unexpressed anger or improperly expressed anger can contribute to performance problems in the bedroom.
The contents of your medicine cabinet could affect your performance in the bedroom. A long list of common drugs can cause ED, including certain blood pressure drugs, pain medications, and antidepressants. But do not stop taking any medicines without talking to your doctor first. Street drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana can cause sexual problems in men, too.
When you don’t like what you see in the mirror, it’s easy to assume your partner isn’t going to like the view, either. A negative self-image can make you worry not only about how you look, but also how well you’re going to perform in bed. That performance anxiety can make you too anxious to even attempt sex.
How to Solve Erection Problems
It can be embarrassing to talk to your doctor about your sex life, but it’s the best way to get treated and get back to being intimate with your partner. Your doctor can pinpoint the source of the problem and may recommend lifestyle interventions like quitting smoking or losing weight. Other treatment options may include ED drugs, hormone treatments, a suction device that helps create an erection, or counselling.
All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

Lemon with Garlic Mixture: Perfect for Clearing Heart Blockages

In most cases, we use garlic and lemon to season our salads and other meals, but only a few are aware of the fact that their mixture can do miracles for our health.
These ingredients, when combined, can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, boost circulation, and unclog arteries.
The increased cholesterol levels are actually a result of the accumulated LDL cholesterol in the main arteries which may cause a heart attack or other heart diseases.
These diseases can be treated with various products offered in pharmacies, but we offer an extremely effective, natural methods to fight them and experience absolutely no side-effects.
The regular consumption of garlic and lemon can boost the heart health, and improve circulation. This is the best mixture for unclogging your heart arteries, and you can prepare it and use it in two ways:
Recipe No. 1
  • 30 garlic cloves
  • 6 lemons
You should peel the garlic and lemons and cut them into pieces. Then, add them in a blender, pour some water, and blend. Pour the mixture into a pot, add 2 liters of water, and boil it with occasional stirring. You should cook it for 5 more minutes after it boils. Then, pour it into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.
You should take 50ml of this remedy daily for 3 weeks, then make a week break, and repeat for 3 more weeks. This treatment can be done twice a year.

Recipe No. 2

  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of garlic juice
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
You should mix all ingredients in a pot and leave this mixture to boil for half an hour. Then, leave it to cool down, and add 3 cups of organic honey. Stir well, and pour the mixture into a glass jar, and keep it in the fridge.
You should take a tablespoon of this remedy before breakfast on a daily basis.


Oil pulling, used primarily in Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is an old remedy which includes natural substances to clean and detoxify teeth and gums.

It has the added effect of whitening teeth naturally and evidence even shows that it may be beneficial for gum health and that certain oils may help fight harmful bacteria in the mouth!
People who experienced benefits from oil pulling say it also helped them with skin conditions, arthritis, asthma, headaches, hormone imbalances, infections, liver problems and more. However, your oral health will be improved, with less sensitive teeth and gums, and whiter teeth.
Oil pulling instructions
It is incredibly simple. Swish a couple teaspoons of vegetable based oil, such as coconut, sesame or olive oil in the mouth for 20 minutes. Then, spit it out and rinse well. This method is best done in the morning, before eating or drinking. Also it can be done before each meal in case of more dangerous
infections or dental problems.
1.Put 1-2 teaspoons of the chosen organic oil into the mouth.
2.Swish for 20 minutes. The timing is important because this period of 20 minutes is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria. The oil will get thicker and milky and it should be creamy-white when spit out.
3.Spit oil into the trash can instead into the sink. Also, do not swallow the oil because it is full of bacteria, toxins and pus that are not in the mouth anymore.
4.Rinse well with lukewarm water.
5.Finally, brush well.
This can be done with coconut oil, which is naturally antibacterial and has a milder taste than other oils. Anyone with sensitivity to coconut oil or coconut products should avoid using coconut oil in this way. Sesame oil was traditionally used in the Ayurvedic tradition and is another great option, just make sure to use organic sesame oil.

You can add few drops of essential oil to the oil you are using for oil pulling to improve the taste. You can use essential oils that are naturally found in toothpaste, such as: peppermint, cinnamon, clove, etc.
You may find it difficult at the beginning to keep a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but you will get used to it after the first few minutes. You mouth will be cleaner and fresher after every oil pulling.
After a week, your smile will be visibly whiter and brighter.

How does oil pulling work?
Your body stores toxins in your salivary glands. When you oil pull, you increase the production of saliva and the toxins in your saliva get trapped in the oil, which you spit at the end.

With oil pulling your teeth will be whiter and smoother. Moreover you will not notice or have any plaque on your teeth.

Oil pulling is a super helpful procedure that has been used in India for ages as a traditional remedy to:
• Cure tooth decay
• Kill bad breath
• Heal bleeding gums
• Prevent heart disease
• Reduce inflammation
• Whiten teeth
• Soothe throat dryness
• Prevent cavities
• Heal cracked lips
• Boost Immune System
• Improve acne
• Strengthen gums and jaw
Like we mention before the best oil to be used for this procedure is coconut oil. It has been showed that it is able to:
• Balance hormones
• Kill candida
• Improve digestion
• Moisturize skin
• Reduce cellulite
• Decrease wrinkles and age spots
• Balance blood sugar and boosts energy
• Improve Alzheimer’s
• Increase HDL and lower LDL cholesterol
• Burn fat

Coconut oil is highly absorbable, so you can get many of these benefits only by oil pulling.



Excess weight can increase the risk of developing health problems, including hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, biliary tract disorders etc. Therefore, obesity can seriously damage your heart, kidneys, liver, knees and joints.

  • 1 lemon
  • 3 dl water
  • 60 grams parsley
Squeeze the lemon and chop the parsley in small pieces. Place the ingredients in a bowl and pour them with water.
How to Consume:
Consume the resulting mixture on an empty stomach for 5 days. Then, make a 10-day break. You can repeat the procedure if necessary.
This drink speeds up the metabolism and the fat-burning process, boost energy, provides vitamins and minerals, and cleanses the body from toxins.
Parsley has diuretic effects, meaning it eliminates excess fluids from the body.

Super Powerful Remedy To Treat Bone And Joint Pain

The aching bones and joints often lead to chronic inflammatory processes or other serious conditions, injury or stroke are not related. To address this problem it is necessary to lubricate joints, prevent stiffen, strengthen bones and relieve inflammation.

Some people claim that bone pain does not exist. Only painful joints and nerves that surround them, since the bone lacks sensitivity. However, with the passage of time, it has been shown that bone itself is an extremely painful and serious nuisance because, over the years without proper treatment, is debilitating and disabling.
The aching bones and joints that are not related to an injury, can be caused by arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis (a disease that wears away the cartilage of the joints and bones begin to kiss each other) and some autoimmune diseases. May also be due by a chronic inflammation, which will also affect, over time, to other parts of the body.
lot of diseases are aroused following a chronic inflammation, so it is especially important to interrupt these processes immediately. If you suffer from pain in bones and joints, makes this super powerful natural remedy, made with ingredients that relieve inflammation, strengthen bones, cleans and lubricates joints.
Natural remedy to relieve the pain of bones and joints.
This recipe combines ingredients with special medicinal powers. Ginger is a powerful natural anti -inflammatory that, in turn, strengthens the immune system, preventing diseases and preventing the condition worse. In turn, it will combine with carrot, a vegetable packed with important nutrients to improve bone and joint health.
  • 5 to 6 carrots (depending on size).
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper.
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root.
  • 1 cm turmeric root (or 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder)
  • If you wish, you can peel carrots.
  • At the time of preparation, grated ginger and turmeric.
  • Add all ingredients to a blender or juicer. Blend until a homogeneous preparation. If the batter is too thick, not yet to dilute.
With these proportions, you will make the batter for a day. Drink 50 to 60 ml, three times a day: half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the time of drinking, if you think it is too thick, serves the recommended dose and finally diluted. In this way, you’ll be sure to drink all the nutrients your body needs.
Other tips to treat bone and joint pain.
If you present severe pain, you can accompany this treatment with a daily infusion of nettle, horsetail or ulmaria (meadowsweet). These herbs, besides having an analgesic power, stimulate bone regeneration and help debug joints.
Remember, before starting any natural treatment or discontinue conventional treatment, consult a naturopathic specialist who can advise you properly.
Source :


If you have problems with excess weight and want to lose weight, try this simple drink.

– 1 lemon
– 60 grams parsley
– 3 deciliters water
Squeeze the lemon, parsley finely cut, put in a bowl and cover with water.

Lemon and Parsley
Lemon and Parsley

Five days, every morning before breakfast consume this drink. Then, take a break for 10 days and then again repeat the whole procedure. Treatment with breaks you can use until you feel the need for weight reduction.

This drink accelerates the process of burning fat and meets the daily needs for vitamins and minerals for the whole organism.

Parsley improves the process of digestion and stimulate the body to throwing out excess fluids and eliminates flatulence.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Without doubt, baking soda is one of the most used ingredients, as it can provide amazing effects when used in cooking, as a cleaning agent, and as a medicine and every day we hear about some new use of the remarkable baking soda.

Baking soda can use as a hair or skin care product and there are impressive effects, as it is completely safe, does not have any side-effects, does not expose your hair to harmful and harsh chemicals.
If you want to improve the quality of your hair, instead of your regular shampoo you can use baking soda. Moreover, it can be used to thoroughly clean the remains of the shampoos and conditioners you commonly use and restore the natural shine and vitality of your hair.
If you want to enhance your hair, and make it shiny, healthy, and voluminous, you should definitely try the following baking soda shampoo.
You might find it hard to wash the hair at the beginning, but over time, your scalp and hair will get used to it, and the final effects will amaze you.


In a small squeeze bottle, mix baking soda and water in a 1:3 ratio. You can adjust the dosing according to the length of the hair. For instance, in the case of shoulder – length hair, you should use 1 tablespoons of baking soda, and 6 tablespoons of water.
You can apply this mixture to a dry or wet hair, from the roots to the ends of the hair. Leave it to act for a couple of minutes, and then wash it off with warm water.
You may find it strange that it does not foam at the beginning, but you will get used to it.
Then, rinse the hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water, in a 1:4 ratio. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Make sure you apply it properly, till the head backward, in order to avoid any contact of vinegar with your eyes. You can prepare this rinse beforehand, and store it in a small squeeze bottle in the bathroom, and use it whenever needed.
This method of washing your hair will provide fantastic effects after a few times!