Monday, October 31, 2016

Surgeons admit that mammography is outdated and harmful to women

(NaturalNews) Every year, millions of women flock to their doctors to get their annual mammograms, a breast cancer screening procedure that involves pressing a woman's breasts between two metal platforms to scope out tumors. But surgeons everywhere are starting to question the controversial practice, which studies show isn't even an effective screening tool, and is actually harmful to the bodies of women who receive it.

The public is told that mammograms are the only way to catch breast cancer early, but a review of eight scientific trials evaluating the procedure, found that mammography is neither effective nor safe. After looking at data on more than 600,000 women between the ages of 39 and 74 who underwent the procedure on a routine basis, researchers found that many women are misdiagnosed. Many of these same women are consequently mistreated with chemotherapy, resulting in their rapid demise.

As published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the review concluded that mammography causes more harm than good, because many more women end up being misdiagnosed and mistreated than those actually avoiding the development of terminal breast cancer. Thus, the procedure known as mammography is an outdated scourge that belongs in the history books of failed medical treatments, and not at the forefront of women's medicine.

"If we assume that screening reduces breast cancer mortality by 15% and that overdiagnosis and overtreatment is at 30%, it means that for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will avoid dying of breast cancer and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily," the authors concluded.

Group of top medical experts admits mammography does more harm than good

One year after this review was published, a second one published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) came to a similar conclusion. A team of medical professionals that included a medical ethicist, a clinical epidemiologist, a pharmacologist, an oncologic surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer and a health economist, decided that the medical industry's claims about the benefits of mammography are essentially bunk.

They found that for every 1,000 women screened in the U.S. over a 10-year annual screening period beginning at age 50, one breast cancer death would be prevented, while a shocking 490 to 670 women would have a false positive, while 70 to 100 would undergo an unnecessary biopsy. Between three and 14 of these women, the study found, would also be over-diagnosed for a non-malignant form of cancer that never even would have become "clinically apparent."

This study out of Switzerland corroborates another out of Canada – the 2014 Canadian National Breast Screening Study – which concluded in lockstep with the others that mammography screenings do not reduce mortality rates from breast cancer any better than a simple physical examination. In other words, the procedure is completely unnecessary, and in many cases exceptionally harmful.

And on and on the list goes, with data out of Norway and elsewhere confirming that mammography isn't all that it's cracked up to be. U.S. data spanning the course of nearly 40 years shows that more women are over- or misdiagnosed with breast cancer because of mammograms than are successfully early-diagnosed with breast cancer in such a way as to protect against metastasization. This represents an exceptionally poor track record that calls into question why mammography continues to be used when it clearly doesn't work.

"I believe that if you did have a tumor, the last thing you would want to do is crush that tumor between two plates, because that would spread it," says general practitioner Dr. Sarah Mybill, as quoted in the documentary film The Promise.

This Could Save Millions of Lives: Study Finds That Celery Destroys 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Most of us are aware that we have to include celery into our diet, since it is an amazing vegetable, but apart from its numerous health benefits, it is also a potent weapon in the fight against cancer.
A recent study discovered this common food to be able to kills up to 86% of the cancer cells in the lungs. Namely, celery contains a powerful anti-cancer compound called apigenin, which is known to kill different types of cancer cell including ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and breast cancers.
This was also proved by research which found that women who consume plenty amounts of apigenin through their diet are more likely to reduce the risk of getting ovarian cancer by 20%, and breast cancer by 19%

Moreover, Chinese researches have shown that the consumption of one serving of two medium stalks of celery 2 to 3 times a week reduces the risk of getting lung cancer  by 60%. However, it is not proved yet whether apigenin  acts against cancer on its own or in combination with the other beneficial celery compounds.
On other hand, vascular endothelial growth produces  a protein that  stimulates formation of new blood vessels, but this protein’s disadvantages  are  that  it  also helps the growth of cancerous tumors.
However, apigenin reduces the possibility of tumor growth  by decreasing the growth of vascular endothelial as well as  the growth of prostate, thyroid, leukemia and lung cancers.
Apigenin also reduces the cycle of forming cancer cells in the pancreas since it prevents the glucose uptake.
To sum up, there are a number of reasons why you should add celery into your daily diet. It offers numerous health benefits, it prevents cancer growth, it is a great antioxidant, and an extraordinary source of fiber.
You can include it in your everyday diet by adding it to salads, stir fries, soups, vegetable smoothies or salsa. Nevertheless, yous should always take care to buy and consume in an organic and free of pesticides form.

Warning Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Pay Attention

#1 Continuous Headache

Constant headache can be a sign of many things, but could also be that lung cancer has spread to your brain.

#2 Bone Pain

Severe pain in the bones during anytime of day is a good reason to consult your doctor.

#3 Weight Loss

An early sign of cancer is sudden weight loss, as the cancer is using the energy from the food you consume.

#4 Pain in the Chest, Shoulders and Back

Chronic chest, shoulder and back pain can be a sign of lung cancer.

#5 Wheezing

Wheezing is a sign that your airways are constricted. This could be for a number of reasons but lung cancer is one of them.

#6 Shortness of Breath

If you are feeling shortness of breath from doing simple daily actions that never bothered you before it can be a sign that fluid is accumulating in your lungs from cancer.

#7 Persistant Cough

If you have a cough that lasts over 2 weeks be sure to see a doctor. Especially if you are coughing up blood or mucus.


Ladies and gentlemen, how are you today? We can easily say that the liver is one of the most important and it’s the largest solid organ in the human body. Well yes and we all know that the liver is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen and partly protected by your ribs. You need your liver for many important body functions and you can’t live without it. This means that you should be very careful and take good care of your liver. The experts say that there are more than a hundred different kinds of diseases of the liver and each disease has its own set of symptoms. Some of these diseases include alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis of the liver. The early signs of liver disease tend to be easily overlooked and are non-specific, related to any number of different conditions. Well, this means that you should know the early signs of liver damage and take care of your liver as much as you can. And, if you notice any of these warning signs or symptoms – you should see your doctor immediately:

Don’t ignore these warning signs, which may indicate that your liver isn’t functioning properly:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Improper digestion
  • Headaches
  • Chronic muscle and joint pain
  • Acne and other skin conditions
  • Gases, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Increased weight
And, don’t forget – these are just some of the symptoms that can happen when your liver isn’t functioning properly. Some people may find it difficult to lose weight, even though they exercise regularly and eat healthy food. This may indicate that they have liver problems as well. So, here comes the main question – what you should do to improve the liver’s function? Well, first you should take care what you eat. And second, you should make some lifestyle changes, which are affecting the liver’s function.
Useful Tips and Tricks (to improve the liver’s health):
  • Make sure you drink enough water
  • Always avoid processed foods and you should try to eat organic foods, which don’t contain too much sodium or other toxic substances
  • Include whole foods, animal and plant protein, grains, fermented foods, healthy fats, nuts and seeds in your healthy diet
  • Eliminate inflammatory vegetable oils, such as: canola, corn, soybeans, vegetable oil cottonseed, safflower or sunflower
  • You should consume healthy fats
  • Eliminate refined sugars from your diet
  • Eat plenty of dietary fiber: whole foods, chia seeds, artichokes, avocados, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, etc.
  • Reduce the fructose consumption to 20 g per day
Well, there you have it guys! The most common warning signs and how to improve its health. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and have a good one!

This Drink Will Clear Mucus from Your Lungs and Will Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is your greatest defense system in your body that protects you from various diseases, viruses and prevents many microorganisms to penetrate in the body from food.
It consists of organs and tissues that work together to fight harmful bodies.
This Drink Will Clear Mucus from Your Lungs and Will Boost Your Immune System
The primary function of the lungs is to store, inhale oxygen and exhale dioxide through the nose. If there is mucus in the nose, it influences significantly the lungs.
This article will present you a drink that will improve and boost your immunity and remove all the mucus from your lungs. It is suitable for both adults and children, providing very fast and important effects.
Children are more affected by various diseases because they play with filth, water and dirt. Yet children immune systems develop and they soon become resistant to these diseases.
They usually suffer from colds and coughs. If they still face these problems, there is a mucus accumulated in their lungs.
The body itself creates almost one or two liters of mucus every day. The most of it is removed from the body but in case of colds it obstructs the breathing tubes and causes many health problems such as allergies.
If it turns green or even mixed with blood, you should visit a doctor immediately because the health problem is serious.
The immunity prevents many health risks, parasites, germs, bacteria and viruses. It has lymph nodes that produce and store the cells that protect you from bacteria and viruses.
The bone marrow creates the white blood cells and stores the stem cells, that are able to modify into any human cell.
Another component of the immunity is the spleen, which controls the amount of blood and involves the white blood cells. The immune system creates antibodies that destroy viruses and cause different illnesses.
This article provides a recipe that should be of great help to you because it will improve the immune system and eliminate the excess mucus from the lungs.
You need:
  • 100 g of honey
  • 100 ml of water
  • 4 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 inch of grinded ginger
  • 50g of oats
How to prepare:
First, rinse the oats and then combine them with water and grind ginger. Second, boil the combination for a few minutes. When cooled, add the lemon juice and honey and leave it overnight. Keep the drink in the fridge and use it up to a week.
How to use:
Drink 30-40ml of this mixture, every morning on an empty stomach. Consume this drink for 40 days for a proper treatment of the immune system. After 15 days’ break repeat this procedure for 40 days.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

One Month Before Stroke, Your Body Will Send You These Warning Signs – Don’t Ignore Them!

You can actually protect yourself from stroke, if you pay attention to some signs that your body is trying to send you. There are two types of strokes, the first one and the more common one is ischemic strokes and the second one is hemorrhagic.

The first type is caused by narrowing or blocking of arteries to the brain and that is reducing the blood flow. The second type is less common and it is caused due bleeding in the brain.
You should pay attention to everything unusual that is happening to your body because stroke is the number 5 killer in US.
Where a blood vessel that has a function to carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain is blocked by clot or bursts a stroke will occur. And then part of the brain will not get the blood and with that the oxygen that it needs to keep the brain cells alive which means the brain cells will die.
We all know that brain has many different functions and when stroke occurs and the blood do not reach area that controls particular body function, that part of the body will not work as normal.
You should know the warning signs of stroke because you might help yourself or your friends and family when this happens. It is important to get medical help when you notice some of the signs of stroke.
According to experts the signs and symptoms can be different from person to another because there can be different parts of the brain affected, but what all strokes have in common is that they begin suddenly.
And the most common symptoms of stroke are:
-breathing problems
-personality changes
-epileptic attacks
-lightheadedness or weakness

How Long To Nap For The Biggest Brain Benefits

We all love to take a nap during the day, but only a few are aware that napping actually reboots the brain.
The Wall Street Journal suggested several ways to plan and organize your sleep, in order to gain the most benefits.
According to experts, it is enough to nap for 15-2o minutes in order to clarify your mind and improve your alertness. Therefore, they advise a 15-20 minute nap before some important event in order to boost speed and stability.
Dr. Mednick suggests that at least one hour is needed to restore brain memory. Additionally, he says that 90-minute nap is a complete cycle of sleep in fact, which will raise the emotional and procedural memory and enhance creativity.
However, sometimes you feel more tired after a nap than you were before, most often when the brain stores the steps in which you do something.
Dr. Michael Breus says that if the nap lasts more than half an hour, you enter a deep sleep phase and it is harder to get out of it, so when you get up, you are more exhausted than before.
On the other hand, modern life has brought numerous difficulties and people constantly lack time. This made scientists try to find a way to reduce the sleep duration but still gain rest and freshness.
They concluded that it is completely unnecessary to sleep more than 7 hours, and a nap of 20 minutes provides the needed energy and strength for the next 3-4 hours.
Furthermore, PubMed published a study which showed that a 5-10 minute nap is much better than no nap, as it enhances the cognitive abilities and alertness. They found that napping has important health benefits, including:
  • Improves Learning And Memory
  • Prevents Stress
  • Improves mood
  • Increases Creativity
  • Supports Productivity
  • Boosts Alertness
In contrast, lack of sleep may lead to multiple health issues and illnesses, as follows:
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor life quality
  • Heart failure
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Injury from accidents
  • Stroke
  • Fetal and childhood growth retardation
  • Heart failure or heart attack
  • Mental impairment
Consequently, napping provides important health benefits, so you should nap anytime you can. The following tips may also help you get the most out of it:
  • 10-20 minute nap – for a quick recharge
  • 60-90 minute nap – for a deeper sleep rejuvenation
  • You should be in a slightly sitting position while napping in order to avoid entering a phase of deep sleep

How To Make Your Teeth Whiter (Without Destroying Your Enamel)

Traditional whitening practices have proven to be quite harmful to the longevity of our teeth.
Dental specialist Linda Greenwall has thoroughly investigated the harmful use of teeth whitening treatments, especially ones which include chlorine dioxide, and argues “these chlorine dioxide treatments are advertised as safe for teeth. It is certainly not the case.”
It remains difficult for people to find an effective and safe alternative to traditional teeth whitening practices — practices that cause serious and irreversible damage to our tooth’s enamel, which is what protects it to begin with. Greenwall explains that chlorine dioxide whitening treatments can cause serious damage, including: etching of teeth, loss of tooth luster, teeth appearing more discolored, teeth absorbing more stains than before (due to loss of protective enamel), teeth feeling rough, and increased sensitivity (sometimes permanent).
Other risks include:
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Risk of tooth fracture
  • Gum irritation
  • Loss of enamel
If you are serious about getting whiter teeth safely, you need to first determine what is causing their discolouration to begin with. Coffee, tea, red wine and cigarettes are all major culprits here, so start by cutting down or completely eliminating these four things.
These are the risks you face when choosing to go the conventional route. Fortunately, safer and more holistic alternatives are available.

1. Oil Pulling

This is a traditional Aryurvedic practice used to help detoxify and cleanse the body. Along with helping to whiten teeth, it also reduces tooth decay and gingivitis. Sesame oil is the traditional choice, but to see the best results, use coconut oil, which contains monolaurin, a very effective antimicrobial against the main bug implicated with tooth decay, strep mutans.
Be sure to use a high quality oil. We often use this coconut oil due to its single origin quality. Start by taking a tablespoon of oil and swishing it in your mouth for 20 minutes. Move it through your teeth and the front and back of your mouth. Do not swallow! The longer it’s been in your mouth the more contaminated it will become, as it is literally pulling bacteria, fungi, and viruses into your mouth from your whole body. When you are done, spit it out (and brush your teeth if you’d like).

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda has a really low Relative Dentin Abrasivity, or RDA, score. The scale goes from 0 (no abrasivity) to 269 (high abrasivity), with baking soda ranking in at just 7.
Use a high quality baking soda such as Duda Energy.
1. Take a pinch of baking soda and put it into a small glass or bowl.
2. Add a small amount of purified water (ideally not tap water) to the bowl and mix it into the baking soda. The solution should be slightly runny, as you don’t want too many of the granules present. Dip your toothbrush in to get some of the solution on the brush.
3. Brush your teeth, starting with your molars and then moving to the facings and backs of your teeth.
4. Optional: Once done, you can add some more water to the glass or bowl and swish it around your mouth. This will help keep your mouth alkaline.
5. Rinse out your mouth with purified water as you normally would after brushing.
Other people place baking soda directly on their toothbrush and begin with the front teeth. When the solution is mixed with saliva it becomes liquid.

3. Clay

White kaolin clay has a low abrasivity score and is effective as both a polish and stain remover. It is also high in calcium, silica, zinc, and magnesium, and safe for people with tooth sensitivity.

How to use:

Apply it directly onto your toothbrush, starting with your front teeth and then, as it mixes with your saliva, moving on to the rest of the mouth.
You can also combine this with baking soda.

4. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is not absorbed by the body but is itself highly absorbent, allowing it to easily remove toxins without harming the body. It is fantastic for people who have had a bout of food poising or have accidentally ingested something toxic. If you take this within 30 minutes of ingestion you should see results, but do not take it with other vitamins or supplements, as it will absorb those as well.
Be aware that while it can remove stains from teeth, it does stain clothes, tiles, counters, etc. It can also cause constipation and block mineral absorption, and should not be mixed with dairy. These are warnings in the case that you do ingest it.

How to use:

Wet your toothbrush and dip it into the charcoal. Put the charcoal covered toothbrush in the mouth (quickly to protect your sink) and brush in small, gentle circles for 2 minutes. Spit carefully and rinse really well. You can also mix the charcoal with water and swish with it for two minutes.
You can also combine this with oil pulling.

5. Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide

It’s important to dilute peroxide to between 1% and 1.5% concentration at the very most. Anything higher will damage your teeth, even a mere 3%.
Our body produces hydrogen peroxide primarily in the lungs, gut, and thyroid gland, and the presence of hydrogen peroxide calls the immune system to an injury. This may explain how diluted hydrogen peroxide aids someone who is fighting gum disease.

How to use:

Again, use a very low concentration and swish around the teeth for 3-5 minutes.

6. Turmeric

Just like activated charcoal, you need to be careful about where your turmeric lands! It will stain everything, including your toothbrush, so you may even need to have a designated turmeric brush. But we promise — it won’t stain your teeth!
Turmeric has extensive medicinal properties, including as a digestive aid and an anti-inflammatory. It has even been said to help prevent certain types of cancers.

How to use:

Wet your toothbrush and then dip it in 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder. Brush teeth as normal, but instead of rinsing when you’re done, allow the turmeric to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes. Follow this with a regular brushing to get rid of any excess yellow buildup.
You can also try this combo: 2 parts turmeric powder to 1 part coconut oil and 1 part baking soda. Mix together to form a paste, and keep in a cool place (coconut oil is liquid at around 74-76 degrees).
When using natural healing methods, it’s essential to remember that change does not happen overnight. If you want to get your teeth looking whiter naturally, you need to first understand that this will take time. Give yourself at least a month of combining the practices listed above with limiting discolouration factors (coffee, tea, red wine, smoking) and judge from there if this is working for you.tracking


Moringa has been hailed as a “miracle tree” because it is a significant source of fats, proteins, carotenoids, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and other nutrients.
The flowers, roots, leaves, and bark of the tree have been used as nutritional supplements and are also used in the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes, and skin oils.
Alongside moringa’s powerful nutritional profile, there exists incredible medicinal potential.
Chemical compounds found in moringa have demonstrated several beneficial biochemical activities, such as combating atherosclerosis andheart disease, boosting the immune system, and have antiviral,antibacterial, antioxidant, and tumor-suppressive effects.
Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Moringa and see whether these names are justified.
1. Moringa is rich in fiber and it is said that it works as a mop in your intestines and cleanses any excess waste left over from a greasy diet.
2. It contains powerful antibiotic and highly efficient in eliminating a bacterium known to cause gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer.
3. The seed of this tree is even found to purify the water, and it does even better than most of the conventional synthetic materials that are being used nowadays.
4. The leaves of Moringa are abundant in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and much more ingredients. In 100 grams of dry moringa leaves there is:
– 9 times more protein than in yogurt
– 10 times more vitamin A than in carrots
– 15 times more potassium than in bananas
– 17 times more calcium than in milk

– 12 times more vitamin C than in oranges
– 25 times more iron than in spinach
5. The chlorogenic acid present on the leaves is known to slow down the absorption process of sugar in the cells.
6. Moringa have anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects, which is a result of the presence of a compound called niaziminin.
7. Helps in the regulation of the thyroid function, especially when it comes to hyper-active thyroid.
Therefore, Moringa is a highly beneficial plant medicine that deserves a place in everyone’s home pharmacy.