Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Many people in the world use aluminum foil to wrap their food while it’s cooking. But, did you know that baking food wrapped in aluminum foil in the oven can be dangerous? This is because aluminum is a poisonous substance that can harm you and your family. So, if you are using this type of cooking method – you need to stop immediately.
Too much aluminum exposure can harm your body with harmful toxins. The body has its own detox system that can flush out all harmful toxins, but sometimes even the healthiest one has its own limits. According to the Mount Sinai Hospital, aluminum usually accumulates in the human body and over time it can cause aluminum poisoning.
The most common symptoms of aluminum poisoning are: muscle weakness, bone pain, seizures and confusion. And we can also say that delayed growth and development is a common problem among children who suffer from this type of condition. Anemia, health problems for the respiratory organs, diseases of the brain and the nervous system – all these health problems can be caused by aluminum poisoning. A recent study has found that embryos exposed to this type of metal can develop abnormalities and defects.
Where is aluminum present?
Aluminum it a metal found in the Earth’s crust. Our bodies don’t need this type of metal to function properly, but it’s often found in foods and medicines we use every day. For example, when we take more aspiring or any other kind of prescription drugs or vitamin supplements, you increase the risk of aluminum poisoning. We can also mention that aluminum is present in almost all of the dishes and some of the food we consume on daily basis. So, if you practice this cooking method and you cook food wrapped in aluminum foil, then aluminum penetrates deep into it, poisoning the food and eventually your entire body. This is a common condition, aluminum poisoning, in people who work in are with high exposure to this metal.
How to prevent aluminum poisoning?
Our organism can process this type of metal in small amounts, but you should most definitely avoid it. You need to use items and consume foods that don’t contain this type of metal. And if you are using aluminum pots and dishes, replace them immediately with the ones made out of cast iron. And the most important thing – you should never fry or bake food wrapped in aluminum foil. Also, try to avoid processed and packed foods, because many food companies use aluminum as a food preservative.
You should always eat fresh, organic food and raw vegetables. Just follow these simple tips and advices and you’ll be able to prevent aluminum poisoning. We really hope you enjoyed this post, and please share it with your friends and family. Thanks.

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