Thursday, October 27, 2016


Being aware for the pH balance is not important only for the cancer patients, but for every individual in general. Every person has to maintain an alkaline environment in order to stay healthy.
As stated by Raw Food Health “The human body goes to great lengths so as to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35, but poor diet and stress could change the PH to an acidic one in which disease can thrive.”
Sadly, due to the widely spread routine of consuming unhealthy food, maintaining an alkaline diet is not so easy. People are used to eat processed foods, snacks, fast foods and microwave meals, and all of them are extremely unhealthy in the case of cancer.
That’s the reason why it’s so important for cancer patients to eat alkaline foods so as to speed up the healing process.
Here are the dietary changes that are the most important:
Consuming unhealthy food causes pH imbalance and creating an acidic environment and that is perfect for creating cancer cells. On the other hand, the alkaline diet is going to restore the balance and fight inflammation.
This diet primarily includes organic leafy green vegetables, root vegetables, broccoli, herbs and spices, beans, peas and lentils, cauliflower and cabbages, leek and chives, nuts and seeds, onions and garlic, along with a small amount of non-gluten grains such as rice.
It also includes around 2-4 ounces of grass-fed meat, organic poultry or clean fish few times a week and as much fresh fruits and veggies as you can.
Gluten leads to an inflammation, therefore you need to avoid glutinous grains. Eliminate the high-gluten grains such as wheat, whole grains, rye, as well as cereals, cakes, pasta, bread, cookies, crackers,muffins, and other baked goods.
As an alternative, consume non-gluten grains like buckwheat, rice, quinoa, amaranth and millet. Moreover, you need to avoid “gluten free” prepared products, since they contain added sugar or processed oils.
The cancer cells are using more glucose per unit of time than the other cells. That’s the reason why it is very important for you to avoid sugar by any means. Plus, the sugar drains the body’s magnesium and contributes to cancer. Also you should avoid the “natural” sugars such as honey and agave. Instead, eat some figs, dried apricots, fresh pineapple, or unsweetened apple sauce.
According to a study that was conducted by Prof. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. at the Cornell University Cow, dairy is one of the most cancer promoting foods, and that is because of the case in protein.
If you suffer from cancer, you must avoid dairy products since they may lead to a bone deterioration, as a result of the high acid production, promote cancer proliferation and inflammation.

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