Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Warning: How Contact Lenses Can Harm Your Eyes

If you can’t stand any grisly stories, you must be prepared that this one is one of them. This story tells you about a worm-like creature that gets into and lives in an 18-year-old student eye.

Jessica Greaney, a student from the University of Nottingham in England, was misdiagnosed when she went to the doctor with a painfully swollen eye. They thought it was herpes, but further tests showed that it was a much worse condition.
You may not believe this, but it is completely true. The doctors tested Jessica’s eye, clamped it open and carefully scarped a layer from its eyeball, when they found that it was Acanthamoeba keratitis. What is that?
Acanthamoeba keratitis is a kind of little worm-like creature, which lives in water sources, like fresh water rivers and lakes, or tap water. These amoebas can do a gross thing to you, even devastating.
This amoeba got into Jessica’s eyeball and started eating the inside out of her eye.
The question is how this creature found its way to her eye? She left her contact lenses in a glass of solution in the sink in her dorm room, and this is how she got infected. And it was simple as a drop of contaminated water splashing onto her contact lens.
For a while, the amoeba lived between the contact lens and Jessica’s eye, when it started eating away her cornea and finished with her spinal cord. What a horror!
Greaney was told that she must apply eye drops every 10 minutes to treat this terrible infection. What does this means? It means that she couldn’t sleep at all for several days!
Jessica wrote in The Nottingham Tab- “I wasn’t allowed to sleep properly for nearly a week … Being awake for so many hours led to me watching a [ton] of films with my one good eye”. She added – “After the fourth day, not only was I going insane and crying every five minutes, nothing was changing.”
Some time after this horrible experience, the treatment started working. She still had to apply the eye drops, but 22 a day, about one drop eve hour. It is expected to continue improving.
What do we want to tell you, is that if you wear contact lenses, you must be sure that when they are resting in solution they are  in a covered case, well closed. If you have someone close to you, that wears lenses, you should share this article with him and tell Jessica’s message:
“Even on nights out, I sometimes have to take eye drops with me in a refrigerated bag – still beats nearly being killed by a bug.”

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