Monday, October 17, 2016

How To Make Natural Homemade Viagra Using ONLY 2 Ingredients! [Video]

If you want to prepare your home made Viagra, you will need the ingredients that are usually found inevery supermarket. These ingredients are incredibly powerful and potent aphrodisiacs.
Viagra is a highly effective drug for men, which is useful to increase sexual function and stamina. Very few people know the secret. Yet, it can be made at home!


  • Watermelon
  • Lemon
The watermelon is rich with citrulline-amino acid that helps to improve the blood flow to the heart and the genitalia. Actually, it produces an effect similar to some drugs, such as Viagra.
Don’t forget that you shouldn’t use sugar, spices, salt, or any other flavors, which may decrease the strength of the 2 main ingredients.

You need to slice the watermelon in small pieces and put the pieces into a food processor so that you can get about 1 liter of watermelon juice. The white stuff in the shell from the watermelon is also high in concentrated Citrulline and need to be juiced also.
Pour the juice into a pot. Boil for a couple minutes after that squeeze the lemon juice inside the pot. Mix the 2 ingredients.
It is best to continue boiling till most of the liquid evaporate, stop when liquid in the pot is reduce to about half.
Let it stay about an hour or so.
Next, move the potion to a rinsed and cleaned glass jar and keep it in a cool and dry place such as a refrigerator.
You need to consume this drink on an empty stomach, early in the morning and before dinner, the quantity that need to be consumed is among 2 tablespoons to 1/3 of the cup.
This depends on the body weight and size. This homemade Viagra is safe and potent for people of all ages. Plus, it’s delicious!
You can also add strawberries and Lime in your recipe!


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