Friday, December 9, 2016


In addition to what has diuretic properties, stimulates the formation of bile, cleanses the liver, helps with allergies and reduces cholesterol and is recommended as a dietary supplement for pregnant women and women in postmenopausal women.

The beginning of April and is the ideal time for picking dandelion. Make out of town, the area far from roads and enjoy the nature and reading.
The whole plant is easiest to pick so that under its root tinkering knife and make the plant by the roots because they are all parts of this wild plant is very healing.
Dandelion leaves (radicchio) prepare the salad. It is an excellent combination with boiled eggs and potatoes, and the vitamin wealth surpasses spinach and tomatoes.
In addition to what has diuretic properties, stimulates the formation of bile, cleanses the liver, helps with allergies and reduces cholesterol and is recommended as a dietary supplement for pregnant women and women in post-menopausal, says alternative for you. A dandelion contains more carotene than carrots and is an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals.
Stems dandelion enhance the dissolution of the gall bladder, regulating metabolism and purify the blood and stomach. Folk medicine recommends them against diabetes and milk from the stems is known for wart removal. Although some believe that the “milk” dandelion toxic, it is not true and the opposite is true. It is very healing.
From the flowers of these plants provided a syrup, which is sometimes called honey. The syrup cleans and strengthens the blood and digestion, and helps with coughing. Now is the time to step into nature and you get the dandelion.
Pick the 400 yellow flowers dandelion. Pour them with 3 liters of cold water and place the slices of 4 lemons and 4 oranges. Leave for 24 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth not stay crumbs and transfer the liquid in the pot. Add 2 pounds of sugar and, stirring frequently, cook for about an hour and a half after the liquid boils. You should get a thick syrup.
Then reduce the heat and pour the hot syrup obtained in hot jars that you previously sterilized. Close. The syrup is denser texture and is often referred to as honey. It is excellent for removing the symptoms of colds, coughs, bronchitis … Take him to a teaspoon. It’s great for the kids, so do not be afraid to give it to their kids every day
Tea flowers
You can prepare the tea. Pick the flowers and dry them on the air. Of dried flowers make tea and drink it always fresh prepared. You can also add the honey, which will further enrich the healing properties of tea, but do not forget that among never puts the tea while it is hot, nor a metal spoon. Use a wooden or plastic.
Dandelion root cures cancer
That this plant is so healing, not so long ago discovered and scientists who reported that dandelion root can cure cancer. If we want to keep dandelion root, it should be dry. Before drying, the roots should be carefully peel and cut into equal small pieces. After that, the dried root of the dandelion in the fresh air.
The root of the dandelion spread on the surface, in a cool dry place with good air flow. The root will be dried for a period of 3-14 days, and you will recognize that when dried becomes brittle under my fingers. Dry dandelion root reserves the medicinal properties of this dried up to a year, along with keeping the jar in a dry, dark place.
Dandelion root cleanses the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and lymph and kidneys comes to toxins through urine is sent out from the body.
This root is used to treat many diseases, such as constipation (constipation author’s note), cleans the skin of acne, edema, etc., cures arthritis, rheumatism, hepatitis, gallstones …
The root of the dandelion is extremely good for women’s diseases, especially in the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the breasts, such as cysts, cancer, various tumors and problems with breastfeeding and breast milk.
The recipe: Mix 30 grams of dried dandelion root with 60 grams of fresh mixture and drizzle with 2.5 ounces of water to which you add a pinch of salt. Allow the liquid to a boil, cover the pan and simmer for 20 minutes. After cooking, drain the contents and drink three cups “tea” daily.
Tea made from the roots of dandelion:
The root of the plant dry, then finely chop and mince. Store powder for future use. On the day drink half a teaspoon with a glass of water.

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