Thursday, December 15, 2016

Number 1 Superfood that will help you reduce the risk of Heart Diseases

Have you ever heard of a food that is so powerful, it can lower your cholesterol than it will reduce your risk of cancer and even heart diseases and will also help you to look and feel much better? We are choosing drugs over food and this is so bad that is proven several times in our lifetime because drugs do have side effects but natural foods do not. One of this natural foods are Dates.
Dates, which are part of the berry family, are one-seeded fruit. Dates come in many different shapes but often they are oblong. The size and the color are different and also their quality. This all depends on the conditions of culture. In one branch you can see as many as 8kg of Dates which is around 18 pounds. When you dry the Dates they will have more than 50% of sugar in their weight and per about 2% fat, protein and mineral matter.
Besides the amazing source of natural fiber that Dates are they can also help you with your daily intake of nutrients like sulfur, iron, oil, calcium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, copper and magnesium. Continue reading and you’ll find the numerous health benefits that Dates offer.
Dates contain 11% of the RDI in only 100g which is amazing. If you didn’t knew, iron is required in your body to help carry the oxigen in the blood.
Prevention of Diarrhea
If you have diarrhea than dates are the fruit to take. Because they contain potassium – they can help you control the diarrhea and they are easy to digest.
Relieve Constipation
Regular bowel movement is also balanced by dates because they are rich with fibers. Both, insoluble and soluble fiber is helping the body to clean out the gastrointestinal system.
Balance body weight
To keep your body in a normal and balanced weight than Dates are here to help because they contain protein, sugar and many many essential vitamins.
Regulate cholesterol
If you want to lower the LDL cholesterol than Dates are one of the best natural and may i say delicious way to do so. The LDL cholesterol is one of the major factors in heard diseases, heart attacks and strokes.
Strengthen the Heart
It’s simple – to keep your heart healthy you need to eat Dates. There is a proven fact that Dates will help you if you have weak heart. The recipe is simple – just soak them overnight and crush them in the morning and take them. The potassium in the Dates is helpful in preventing stroke and heart diseases.
Regulate Blood Pressure
As they contain magnesium they will also help you in lowering your blood pressure. If you suffer from hypertension than you should start to take Dates in larger quantities because they are rich with potassium and have zero sodium.
Prevent Stroke
As we mentioned many times,with the presence of potassium in Dates you will have healthier heart and they will reduce the risk of stroke. If your potassium intake is 400mg daily, you do not have any need to worry. The potassium in dates reduces the risk of strokes.
There are many more health benefits of the Dates but these are the essential ones. Even though Dates contain fructose concentration they are fruit and you should eat fruits daily. If you go out now to buy Dates please look and buy the ones that have smooth skin that is unbroken and please avoid the ones that are hardened. Dates last long – dried ones if kept in refrigerator can be kept for a year but the fresh ones needs to be put in a sealed container and you can eat them after eight months if kept also in refrigerator. Eat as minimum as one Date per day and your daily requirements  of a balanced and healthy diet will be fulfilled.

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