Sunday, December 4, 2016


We all know that processed foods are not so healthy, they are our favorite. They will cause a lot of acids in our organism. The acid in us will cause a lot of diseases, and the perfect environment for creating cancer. You need to take care of yourself and stay away of fast food, or also called junky food.
The human organism is made to be alkaline, but human as a human, is going against the nature and we are making the body acidic. In addition we are going to present you the most used alkaline foods which will help you in the transformation of your organism from acidic in alkaline.
In addition we are going to explain to you the food which are the most used for alkalization of body, but after that we are going to present you the other foods.
  1. Swiss chard
This is presenting the most alkaline food and this is the most used in time of alkalization of the body.
  1. Melon
Melon is the best cleanser, this will clean all the toxins and acids and all the harmful ingredients, and instead of acids it will give alkaline to your organism.
  1. Buckwheat
In case you are wheal, this is because you haven’t consumed buckwheat. It will give you the needed ingredients and nutrients which will boos energy.  You need to consume this food because it will maintain your heart health good and will improve the cardiovascular function.
  1. Olive oil
Yes, you know how olive oil is super powerful and healthy, but repetition is the mother of all knowledge. Olive oil contains more vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids than any other food.
  1. Flax seed
This presents one of the most alkaline foods and it has plus a lot of fiber and the abundant in vitamin E. It has a lot of anti inflammatory positional and it will help you in reducing the hot flashes in menopausal women.
In addition you will see the rest of the alkaline foods that you need to consume them:
  • Avocados are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats that strengthen heart
  • Bananas are amazing superfood
  • Berries are high in antioxidants
  • Carrots contain beta-carotene, known for its ability to improve vision
  • Garlic regulates blood pressure
  • Broccoli decreases cholesterol
  • Grapes contain multivitamins and antioxidants, and they are great for patients with hypertension
  • Pineapple provides healthy weight loss
  • Alfalfa sprouts are easy to digest and come packed with enzymes that provide normal hormonal balance
  • Lemons are the most amazing alkaline food; The citrusy fruit prevents colds, cough and flu
  • Brussels sprouts provide strong anti-cancer potential
  • Sauerkraut and other fermented foods are the probiotics you should add to your diet
  • Cauliflower is an excellent substitute of bread
  • Grapefruit is high in vitamins A and C
  • Seaweeds are abundant in iron and decrease acidity
  • Quinoa regulates blood sugar
  • Cucumber is 90% water, and it gives a healthy and youthful skin complexion
  • Parsley detoxifies intestines
  • Mango cleanses colon
  • Spinach is the ultimate veggie that contains tons of vitamins
  • Oranges protect against colds
  • Papaya is a natural laxative and it flushes toxins from the colon

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