Friday, December 16, 2016

A Gentle Vaccine Detox For Children and Adults

Here are some gentle detox ideas to help your body detoxify from heavy metals and other vaccine toxins and recover your health.

Detox Bath
A detox bath helps strengthen the immune system and flush out toxins that have built up in our body.
Add 6 drops of Zendocrine to your child’s bath with a few pinches of Epsom salt.
This powerful blend combines Rosemary, Cilantro, and Juniper Berry, known for their detoxifying properties and ability to support healthy liver function, while Tangerine and Geranium have purifying effects against unhealthy substances.


After eating a crushed clove of garlic, a chain of metabolic events results in the release of allicin in the small intestine. Allicin  eliminates pathogens, while leaving the beneficial bacteria alone. Allicin, provides the primary healing aspects of garlic. It also binds heavy metals and helps us todetox. It’s best effects come from eating 3 or more cloves each day.
Silicic acid is an antidote for aluminum poisoning and silica as a detox agent for heavy metals.When a person consumes silica, the aluminum and the other heavy metals present in the body are passed in the urine and eliminated with it.
Horsetail is a great and inexpensive herbal source of silica. Additionally, foods that help keep your silica levels high are: Unrefined whole grains such as rye, barley, oats, and wheat. Alfalfa sprouts nuts, and other seeds will boost your silica levels and let you experience silica health benefits.
According to several strong scientific studies, chlorella helps support healthy detoxification of heavy metals from the body because it naturally binds to heavy metals which are carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination. You can take chlorella in capsule form, or just add it to smoothies.
Since heavy metals and other toxins tend to alter bacterial balance within the gut, supplementing with probiotic-rich foods such as organic yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut,  kombucha, fermented vegetables is very important  for detoxing and protecting against the harmful effects of vaccines.
Omega 3 Cod Liver Oil
Omega 3 fatty acids also block excitoxins while repairing cellular damage.  I give my child  one teaspoon of the Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil  daily, which needs to be refrigerated and used quickly in order to maintain its optimal capacity to help the body.
Cilantro binds to heavy metals, pulling them from blood and body tissues, and eliminates them from the body. It  is one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. It is excellent for extracting mercury from your body’s organs. This herb is believed to cross the blood-brain barrier and remove heavy metals from the brain.
You can juice with cilantro, add it to your smoothies, or eat it raw. Consume at least 1 teaspoon daily for 2-3 weeks or add 6-7 drops cilantro essential oil to your  bath.

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