Saturday, December 24, 2016


Right after a great meal, most of the people are having their rituals. And the figure that visit their bed is the biggest.

The smallest number is to the people who do healthy things after great meal.
In addition to this post we are going to present you 5 things that you shall never do right after you eat.
  1. Sleep
You need to stop sleeping right after you eat. This is going to make your stomach burn in the night. This will cause discomfort like bloating, and seeping patterns. It is proven that people who sleep right after they eat, are most prone to have stroke.
You shall not eat several hours before you go to sleep.
  1. Smoke
Some people can’t say bye to smoking, so this is for them. In case you want to smoke, you can wait couple of hours before you light a cigarette.  This is because the nicotine in cigarettes binds to the excess oxygen that is necessary in digestion, which then allows your body to absorb more carcinogens than normal. According to studies, smoking right after a meal is the same as smoking ten cigarettes at once. It also increases the risk of bowel and lung cancer.
  1. Shower
In case you shower right eating, you will increase the blood flow so it will reach your hands and legs, which will weaken your digestive system.
  1. Eat fruit
You probably thought you could eat fruit at any time, didn’t you? Well, it’s actually best to eat fruit on an empty stomach. This is because fruits require different enzymes to digest, and the simple sugars in fruit need time to be absorbed completely by the body. With nothing else in your belly, you benefit from all the nutrients, fiber, and simple sugars. If you wait until close to or after a meal, however, fruit remains in the stomach for an extended period and rots in the gut. This can cause indigestion, heartburn, burping, and other discomforts.
  1. Drink tea
Your tea right after the eating is very bad idea. You need to know that your tea will be drank several hours after the eating.
In case you drink you will have 87% decrease in iron absorption.
Low iron quantities will cause fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain and etc.
Next time when you at, right after you are done, you need to try to avoid this things.


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