Monday, December 5, 2016

Five Ingredients that Poison your Brain

Nowadays, we are constantly exposed to many toxins which are known to have a damaging effect on our health. Fortunately, you can avoid these toxic ingredients and protect your health.
We have a list of 5 poisonous ingredients which are harmful to our brain, and you should avoid them at any cost!
  1. Gluten
This protein is found in spelt, rye, barley, wheat, and kamut. It is sticky and can bind to the small intestinal wall, resulting in disorders of the digestive and immune system including celiac disease. Also, the non-celiac, gluten sensitivity is a condition which can be a contributor to inflammatory disorders of the nervous system and the brain.
A lot of scientists proved that gluten sensitivity is closely related to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves disorders. Moreover, gluten has been associated with dementia, cognitive impairment, psychiatric disorders, etc.
  1. Artificial sweeteners
Saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame are among the most common types of artificial sweeteners known for the marketing of zero calorie content. But, the truth is that all of these sweeteners are toxic and harmful to the brain. For example, when broken down aspartame (a combination of phenylalanine, methanol, and aspartic acid), can produce a brain-tumor chemical.
The intake of aspartame can cause various symptoms such as depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, and migraines. It can be found in flavored water, yogurt, chewing gums, tabletop sweeteners, cereal, cooking sauces, sodas, and many other “sugar-free” products.
  1. Refined sugar
The consumption of refined sugar is related to health issues that can damage the brain. Refined sugar suppresses BDNF, a growth hormone essential for the function of the brain. The brain obtained Neurotrophic factor (BDNF), can trigger new relations between the brain neurons, essential for the memory function. Many studies proved that low BDNF levels in people who suffer from depression and schizophrenia in a combination with sugar intake can significantly worsen their conditions.
Moreover, refined sugar can disrupt the immune and digestive system, and increase inflammation. And chronic inflammation can increase your risk of depression and schizophrenia. People who suffer from depression and those who want to improve their mental mood and clarity are recommended to avoid refined sugar.
  1. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MSG or monosodium glutamate is a concentrated form of a salt, added to foods to enhance flavor. Actually, it tricks the brain and taste buds to think that the food is delicious, at the same time stimulating the production of excess dopamine. This toxic ingredient is linked with brain damage and other neurological diseases including dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, MS, lupus, etc.
It can be found in barbecue sauce, bouillon cubes, canned soups and vegetables, salad dressing, and other processed foods.
  1. Fluoride
Fluoride, which is contained in public drinking water can be extremely harmful not only to our brain but to our overall health.
According to the Fluoride Action Network, there is a connection between fluoride and lower IQ. UNICEF conducted a study which showed that IQ was reduced due to the level of added fluoride to U.S drinking water which is 0.88 mg/l.
Furthermore, the Fluoride Action Network claims that there are 34 studies which link fluoride to lower IQ levels, while according to other studies, fluoride can be related to fetal brain damage, memory impairment, and altered neurobehavioral function.

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