Thursday, December 8, 2016

Say goodbye To Cough Phlegm, Flu, And Clean The Lungs Forever With This Old Remedy!!!

This home-made recipe is very effective in treating the cough and excessive mucus. It does not have any side-effects and it can be used by both children and adults. It is an old remedy with a lot of health benefits and it is strongly recommended by everyone who has ever used it.

Carrots have many health benefits. They strengthen up the immune system, improve your cardiovascular health, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, improve your skin health, promote the detoxification, protect your eyesight, etc.
To prepare the remedy you will only need  ½ kg of carrots, four tablespoons of organic honey and water. It is very easy and simple to prepare. Just peel the carrots and boil them until they become soft. Then, put them in a blender and add the honey and the boiled water and your mixture is ready to use. Put it in a glass container and keep it in a refrigerator.
You should take two tablespoons a day of this home-made remedy and you will be amazed with the results.

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